Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ginger Granola
Everyone knows my love of oats! I could eat them morning, noon and night! In fact, I like them creamy and I like them crunchy! I have a few problems with the crunchy oats (granola) at the store. Granola is too expensive, too high in fat and most of the brands at my store have dairy in them. Oh, and I also like big chunks, not the crumbs that you get from the store bought varieties. So, I did some looking around and decided to try out some tricks of my own for making granola clusters. I had this jar of Trader Joe's ginger preserves in the fridge that has been haunting me for a while now. So, I pulled it out and got to work on some ginger granola clusters! It made perfect chunks, but I wanted it a little crispier.
The flavor was very similar to the Trader Joe's Ginger Almond & Cashew Granola. Since I used Trader Joe's ginger preserves in the granola, that would stand to reason! I was really surprised that my kids and the neighbor's kid loved this so much. Before I knew it, the entire jar was empty! So, I guess that gives me the chance to play around with it some more! I love that I can make a healthy snack for the kids and it is so much cheaper (and healthier) to make at home! The options are endless...this is going to be fun!


posted by Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen @ 1:30 PM  
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Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen
Home: Atlanta, GA, United States
About Me: Lactose Challenged
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