
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

I am not sure why, but I have had a hard time lately getting into the Christmas spirit. I guess for some people, baking will do it, but since I bake all of the time...that really does not help. I have been listening to Christmas music, but that did not seem to help either. So, yesterday, I decided to go a different route. I put on a CD of George Winston's December in the car while making my daily pick up rounds and then made some Muddy Buddies. All of this definitely helped me move more into the holiday spirit! If you have never heard this CD, I highly recommend it. It is very relaxing and feels like all of the things I love about winter. The Muddy Buddies, well they just remind me of great holiday party snacks. These little morsels are full of peanut butter, dairy free chocolate, gluten free Chex and powdered sugar. Not rocket science, but not everything has to be! Just simple goodness we can all enjoy! I hope you are having a great holiday season!

Muddy Buddies

9 cups rice or corn Chex
1 cup dairy free chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup dairy free butter (I use Earth Balance soy free)
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

In a microwave safe bowl, microwave the chocolate, peanut butter and butter until melted. While this is melting, measure out the cereal in a large bowl. When chocolate is melted, pour the mixture over the cereal and stir to coat everything well. Then in a large tupperware or zip top bag, pour the powdered sugar in and then the cereal mixture in. Shake it up to coat the cereal. Allow to cool and then refrigerate. (or eat warm because you can't wait!)

I have never tried it, but I bet it would be good with other nut butters or sunflower seed butter to make it peanut free.


  1. SUCH a comforting wintertime snack! Love it :)

  2. Aw, well I'm glad you are getting more into the spirit now!

  3. I will have to try these! You are such a fabulous cook!! And the Christmas card is coming...I promise. One year I will send out New Year's cards instead and then i won't feel so guilty.

  4. I was eating and enjoying one of those delicious and unnatural chocolate Chex Mix bars yesterday and going "hmm, is there any way I can recreate this that will be marginally more healthy?". And your recipe sounds PERFECT! Thanks!

  5. Lele, you could also use smart balance light and natural peanut butter to make them even better for you!


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