
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Book Review: Let's Eat Out with Celiac/Coeliac & Food Allergies!

I received this book a while ago thinking that I was getting it for my own interests (dairy) and then realized a few months after that...the illustrator has celiac disease. So, I have been studying Let's Eat Out with Celiac/Coeliac & Food Allergies by Kim Koeller & Robert La France like crazy. We have never been the type of family that goes out to eat all that often anway, but when I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance we slimmed down our options even more than before. When you first realize that you can't eat some things, you figure what's the point of even going out anymore. For us, a large part of going out to eat is to socialize with your friends. Let's face it...I like to cook! So, I am always researching places to go so I can suggest places with ease of mind when people want to meet up with us. It's important to know where you can go and what is safe to eat. We are also not huge travelers at this point, but we have done a little bit. At the time we traveled, we went to France and I popped so many lactase enzyme pills before every meal, it looked rediculous! Those pills don't work for me so that was fun!

Let's Eat Out with Celiac/Coeliac & Food Allergies is a great resource to have on hand. The authors are knowledgeable about allergies/intolerances and help you through making smart food choices when you dine out. I like how the book shares the journey of how Kim and Robert wrote Let's Eat Out together. She has celiac and his background is in the food industry. Having knowledge from both sides of the spectrum is very reassuring. The book starts out with how to approach eating outside of the home. It gives you guidelines on things you should know about your own food requirements and how that can help you educate the establishments you are going to. If we don't let restaurants know that we have these needs, they won't know how to accomodate us. Let's Eat Out then takes you through ingredients and gives you a quick reference guide to help you locate possible allergens throughout the book at a glance. Next the book takes you on a chapter adventure through different cuisines. I, personally, find that extremely helpful. The authors explain popular dishes for each cuisine along with sample menus, what types of allergens may be in them and how to order them for your safety. The book ends with an allergen free preparation checklist. This is extremely helpful for taking a quick glance at a cuisine to see what you need to be careful of when you are ordering. Let's Eat Out with Celiac/Coeliac & Food Allergies by Kim Koeller & Robert La France gives you great information to make eating out and traveling with food allergies a lot easier.

Written for Go Dairy Free

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