
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quinoa Qookies Review

Today has started out kind of strange for me (we woke up about 8:45 and just laid there comatose until 9:45). We were up and running around at 5:30am yesterday for my oldest son's Lego Robotics State Competition that was held in downtown Atlanta. So, I did not cook anything, except my morning and evening oatmeal. In which, I did discover that you can total make a bad bowl of oatmeal if you are not paying attention to what you are doing and you are too tired to think! Anyway, I am so proud of him for making it as far as he did and I think it was such a great experience! Now, that being said...all I have today is a review. I have a lot of house work to do today, but I am hoping there will be some baking done sometime along the way!
The maker of Quinoa Qookies sent me a package to taste and review. I am always appreciative when I am asked to review products! I received this package in the mail and was excited to give a gluten free/dairy free cookie cookie a try. I do make most of the treats we eat here from scratch, but it's always nice to have a quick go to option in the pantry! I am definitely drawn to healthier sweet options, as that is how I like to eat and feed my family. I loved that these are made with quinoa, since that is one of my newly discovered favorite foods. I had not tried it in a sweet version yet, so I was looking forward to seeing how these taste. Of course, now that the illustrator has celiac, I am definitely happy when I see gluten free options that are healthy for him.
That being said, when I do a review, I always look at all aspects of the product and who it appeals to. I am a pretty open minded person when it comes to food because I know everybody has different tastes. I am a lot more open about the way natural sweet things taste and I normally try everything more than once to give it a chance. Because there are four of us here, I like to have everyone give it a try so I can give a full review. Unfortunately, the quinoa qookies were not a favorite around here. I, personally, thought they were a good representation of a natural cookie. I thought they were kind of like a shortbread. I saw another review where they were said to be chewy and mine were not chewy at all. They weren't too sweet so they would go well with a nice cup of tea or coffee. My kids and husband were not very impressed. They are the cookie people in my family and since these are gluten free, I thought I would have the man with celiac give them a try. I also looked up the price and how to get them. I have to say that $4.95 plus shipping seems a little expensive, to me, for three cookies. I know that there are others that would be willing to pay that price, but I just could not imagine doing it. I spoke with the creator of the cookie and he said that he sold out of them at a demo he did at a health food store just recently. So, it appears that a large amount of people do really like them! So, if you are looking for a go to sweet that is gluten and dariy free, I would say these Quinoa Qookies are worth a try.

Written for Go Dairy Free


  1. Wow! How cool! I love quinoa. How interesting to have them in cookies.

  2. Thanks for the review! I've never seen that product before.

  3. what a cool idea. i bet they would be easy to make at home!

  4. Came over to your blog from Carrots n' Cake. Love the name! Those cookies look interesting, never would have paired up quinoa and cookies. :)

  5. Interesting. I make quinoa for breakfast and sometimes as an accompanying dish but I wouldn't have thought to make a cookie out of it, but now I want to look for recipes.

  6. Thanks for posting on my blog so I could find you!!


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