
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Day In Atlanta!

When I got up yesterday morning, this is what my backyard looked liked. We live about 45 minutes outside of Atlanta so we don't see snow very often. It was about half inch, so it was enough to keep the kiddies home from school! The problem was more of an ice issue than a snow issue. So, I needed a big ol' mug of this...
Yes, I always have this much coffee in the morning in my favorite coffee cup. I have never been to Hawaii, but a good friend of mine brought this back for me and I love it! This was my first experience with Almond Dream almond milk. It was on sale at the natural food store so I thought I would give it a try. I thought it was pretty good. I still prefer Almond Breeze. I think Almond Dream is good, but I really love the flavor of my Almond Breeze! It's funny, because I tried it out on the illustrator (in his oatmeal) to see if he could tell a difference. He could, so it is not just my imagination. He asked if I did something different. I like doing that kind of stuff because it tells me if it's me or actually the flavor. While the kids were out playing in the snow and making this snow hump...
I made this...

There is nothing better than a warm bowl of hot stew when you come in from the snow! I wasn't sure the kids would like this since it has lentils, but they loved it! I love that lentils are so easy, nutritious and tasty!
I hope everyone else is staying warm!


  1. Sarena, love your blog! It's a great read with lots of useful info. Thanks for exposing me to new kinds of foods!

  2. That soup looks mighty tasty! :)
    And that snow hump is adorable.

  3. Yay for your snow day - glad we both finally got one! Love the snow hump! :)

  4. Melissa, I am happy to expose you!

    Lauren, come on over!

    Laura, I hope you enjoyed yours as much as the boys enjoyed theirs!


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