
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Not Boring...Take 1

(romaine, tomatoes-I miss summer tomatoes-served with rosemary focaccia)

My husband made an interesting statement to me the other day. He said, "I don't know how you don't get bored with food, you eat the same thing all the time".   I thought it was interesting that he would say that because I don't feel like I do. I feel like I am constantly changing flavors and discovering new things. Then I started to really think about what I eat. I realized that, for the most part, the base of what I eat is the same while the add-ins change. I don't get bored because the flavors are always changing. I do eat a lot of oatmeal, lettuce and chickpeas but I am constantly changing up what goes on or in the mixture.
(romaine lettuce with chickpeas, hummus, carrots and peppers)

I have been interested in food since I was a kid. I was baking and cooking when I was younger than 10. I even remember the first time I got burned while pulling a batch of muffins from the oven. My adventures in food have definitely evolved throughout the years.  Growing up, we always ate a wide variety of foods.  My family was always in the kitchen!  We cooked anything from down home southern foods to making sushi.  My parents also had the food philosophy of us trying everything (even a small bite of things you don't like) and we were members of the happy plate club. 

(romaine lettuce with chickpeas, hummus, carrots, peppers and my favorite hot sauce...I don't eat meat, but most of what I eat looks like it is bleeding...weird)

My husband grew up with a different background in food.  His family mostly cooked kid friendly comfort food.  Their approach was more in line with them cooking and eating what they knew their kids would eat.  They were members of the pinch your cheeks if you don't finish the food on your plate club.
(more romaine lettuce with chickpeas, hummus, carrots, peppers and my favorite hot sauce that goes on just about everything)

Now,  after going to culinary school, discovering food allergies and intolerances in our family and my becoming thoughts on food are very different.
(romaine lettuce with salt and pepper pan roasted chickpeas - the chickpeas get nice and crispy like croutons)

So, my husband got me thinking.  Why do I eat the same base food so often.  For me, it has become a comfort thing.  I have been through so many rounds of stomach problems, then deprivation from the foods I love (frozen yogurt and tofu), that I just want good food and I want to feel good after I eat it.  When you go for such long bouts of time feeling sick after you eat anything, you just stick with things you know make you feel good after you eat them!  
(roasted carrot hummus with homemade flatbread)

I have also discovered that I don't crave the foods I have been away from for so long now.  A lot of people think I am crazy for the combinations I put together with foods.  The thing is, when you can't have some things, you start to mix other things together to satisfy the taste and texture cravings you are missing.  I have found some things that don't work, but then...then, you find things that are just amazing together!
(rosemary, roasted garlic, potato, green bean pizza)

Trust me, with this combination, cheese was definitely not needed!  Definitely not boring!!!

Flax Chickpea Oat Flatbread
(2 large servings)

1 cup oats (blend in the food processor for a second if using whole oats)
6 TBSP chickpea flour or garfava flour
1 tsp instant yeast
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup warm water (about 100-110 degrees)
2 TBSP flax meal

Mix flax meal and warm water.  Combine the oats, chickpea flour, yeast and salt in a bowl.  Then add the flax mixture to the dry mixture.  Mix it together really well for a minute to get everything mixed well and to agitate the yeast. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 30 minutes to an hour while you work on the other ingredients and preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Then pour the dough onto the lined baking sheet. Wet your hands and flatten the dough to make a round. It will be thinner in texture than regular pizza dough, but it will flatten out into a nice circle just make sure you keep your hands wet. Make it as thin as you like. Bake 425 degrees for 5 minutes. Then top it with your favorite toppings and bake for 10 more or until the dough is nice and crispy on the bottom.


  1. Woah, you're not kidding, this is definitely not boring! What a creative recipe!! It looks wonderful!! :) So creative!!

  2. To me, the food you eat is the exact opposite of boring. It looks so good and unique :)

  3. Oh that homemade flatbread looks great! As do the chickpeas...what yummy eats :)

  4. Thanks for the flat bread recipe! The next time I make pizza, I want to use it :)

    I can understand that you just want to eat what doesn't leave you sick. Changing up the seasonings and spices can seriously transform a recipe!

  5. Does he get bored always doing art on paper? Doesn't he want to work with a different medium? He starts off with the same ingredients, pen, paper, drawing's the experimentation and imagination that is the key.

  6. That pizza looks delicious!!

  7. I'm bread-retarded... yeast scares me to death... but your description of this flatbread sounds REALLY easy!!! Thanks!

    I get what you mean about eating the same base foods all the time. But the important thing is that you don't FEEL like you do. That's awesome. :)

  8. What an amazing idea... chickpea flatbread... I cant wait to try this out!


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