
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oatbran Pancakes with Peanut Sauce

With all the pork in the house (more on that later), I decided to have my favorite dinner tonight!  Pancakes, of course!!!  I have to say that I read a lot of HEAB and her food is right up my ally (aside from the bacon, sorry HEAB, but to each his own, right?)  She does pancake Sundays, but I am not good with keeping up a schedule with food.  Tomorrow is supposed to be pizza, but I don't think that is going to happen.  Anyway, I saw her pancakes the other day and then I saw the oatbran she cooked.  I have never had oatbran before, but I got some from the bulk bin the last time I was at Whole Foods.  I got to thinking...oatbran pancakes.  The illustrator is not a huge fan of pancakes for dinner, so since he was covered for dinner, I got creative. 
The texture of these is not your typical bready pancake.  They did puff up and they had a tasty firm outside, but the inside stayed creamy.  I am guessing the addition of a little flour would fluff them up some, but honestly, I loved the creaminess!  With the warm peanut sauce on top, these were some of the best pancakes I have ever had!  We are out of syrup so I wanted something to put on them and I am still on the "how to get more protein into my diet" frame of mind.  My friend Mimi gave me some PB2 and I love the saucey consistancy, but sadly I am all out.  So, I decided to make some sauce by adding some almond milk and a few drops of vanilla stevia (I love this stuff) to my creamy peanut butter and heat it a little.  Then poured it all over this pile of pancakes and then devoured them!!!

Oatbran Pancakes

1 cup cooked oatbran
1/2 cup egg substitute or 2 eggs (flax egg would work too)
1/4 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
15 drops NuNaturals vanilla stevia
17 grams vanilla protein powder (I used up the other half pack of SunWarrior)

Allow the oatbran to cool.  You could make it the night before.  Next add everything else and stir until smooth.  Cook in a nonstick pan with cooking spray or coconut oil.

A note on the peanut butter sauce...the illustrator tasted it and loved it.  He said he is in for the next pancakes for dinner!


  1. These look so good!! I LOVE melted PB on anything :)

  2. I would definitely have these for dinner!

  3. These pancakes look fabulous and I have all the ingredients!! :) I'll be trying these out soon, thanks!! :)

  4. That sounds like a wonderful flavor combination!

  5. That sounds great!!! A weekend try...probably! :)

  6. peanut sauce on anythng pretty much rocks..way to go!!! :)

  7. From seeing the pic i can say its sooooo yummy..

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  8. The texture and shape of these pancakes looks phenomenal! They look like giant cookies! YUM.

    Are you ok with gluten? I worry about oat bran from whole foods... that it might be contaminated.

  9. Farty Girl, I am ok with gluten, but my husband has celiac so I do not use anything unless it says gluten free. These were not gluten free, so he did not eat them.


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