
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Adding to my collection...

Who needs a nap? Seriously, I am t-i-r-e-d tonight! When I went to bed last night, I got the beginnings of a pinched nerve in my neck. I could feel it coming on. This is going to sound strange, but ever since I was pregnant with Max, I get pinched nerves all the time. I try to stretch my shoulders and neck often to keep things loose. So, when this happens, I roll up my pillow and sleep with it under my neck. Well, it got rid of the pinching, but did not help with the sleeping. So, apparently, my alarm went off and I hit the off button.  Oops! So, up 30 minutes late = not good. I have to work out early or it just does not get done. Oh well, I got my cardio done and I will make up the strength training this weekend. No biggy. Well, it was actually a major biggy until I had my coffee and my brain was functioning at some capacity.

On a different subject, I am completely in love again! This my friends lit me up and made me so happy! Others collect varieties of nut butters...I collect hot sauce!

Is it weird that the Doors' "Come On Baby Light My Fire" was playing in my head the entire time I ate dinner last night? Weird or not, my face was on fire and I loved it! Dinner was an egg white omelette with sauteed Japanese mixed vegetables (the frozen bag) and savory toasted waffles. This meal completely hit the spot! If you haven't tried savory waffles, you are missing out. They are perfect when you are looking for a great whole grain toast and you don't have bread. They take no time to put together too!

Savory Oatmeal Flax Waffles

1/2 cup quick oats
1 TBSP flax meal
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup hot water

Mix the dry ingredients together and then add the hot water. Cook in your waffle iron. Keep it in there longer than a regular waffle so it is toasted.

I really needed the savory meal after having apple dumplings with brown sugar flax oatmeal ice cream for dinner the night before. I know, this would have been a bad choice, however you know me...low fat and low sugar, oh and gluten free! They were a request from the illustrator, so you know I had to.

Who's ready for Friday?


  1. sauce. Love. :)

    Your meals look absolutely delicious, as usual.

    Happy almost weekend!!

  2. LOVE siracha!!! We always have it in our house :)

  3. OMG - love hot hot food. My mouth can be on fire, and I just can't stop eating it. Nuts. ouch on the neck and pinched nerves. I've been having serious issues with my sciatic nerve in my left hip and didn't sleep well at all last night so I feel your pain, literally. So glad we aren't the only ones with "special" pets. And you are sooo right about tossing out just b/c of a defect or allergy or something like that. You don't do that to people, why so easy for pets? Mine are with me for better or worse. Hope you get some sleep tonight!

  4. eek - pinched nerves are no fun. i hope you catch up on sleep tonight.
    i used to have a pretty spicy (hehe...pun intended) relationship with my friend Frank's Hot Sauce - but lately I haven't been having much spicy food. Maybe it was a winter thing, and it'll be back? We shall see ;) But i was definitely a fan of it on eggs. And you KNOW i'm all about those savory waffles ;) oh, and dinner last night :P

  5. I love hot sauce too. I like Sriacha. But my favorite is Frank's. I know it's a total different consistency though so you really can't compare the two.

  6. I am so ready for Friday and the weekend! I need to relax big time.

    I haven't tried savory waffles, but they sound interesting! I may have to give them a try. Same with savory oats, they sound so odd, but it just might work.

  7. Blech, pinched nerves are horrible! Hope you feel better!

  8. I am not a hot sauce person...I do not do well with spicy foods.

    I am ready for the weekend for tired too! It has been a long week, and my longest day is tomorrow, yikes.

  9. hot sauce..i used to be sooo into hot i had about 20 jars at once of diff brands, types, sweet, savory, etc ---i can relate. Unfort most of it's too sodium laden and i feel like crap afterwards. LOL

    TGIF baby!!!!


  10. Totally ready for Friday. I feel like because I finally have an "off" and relaxing weekend coming up, the week took forever to get through!

    Have a great night! :)

  11. I cannot eat hot sauce or anything spicy. I don't like to sweat when I'm eating :)

  12. I read need to get on the waffle train. You and Jessica always make amazing looking waffles and I haven't had any in years! Hope you don't get a pinched nerve!

  13. I constantly get pinched nerves because my ligaments are very loose in my neck. I have to take medication for it because it is my C2 vertebrae which results in a bad headache and nauseousness in addition to the nerve problems through out the back.

  14. I'm in love with sriracha too!! :) I definitely need to try out savory waffles. I can't remember if you've ever talked about eating savory oats before... if not, you should definitely try 'em out! I love making them and putting sriracha and broccoli in them!! :)

    I hope you're able to get some rest, Sweet Lady!! :)

  15. mmm sriracha! i have been working thru the same bottle (by myself since my husband can't handle the heat) for the last 2 years or so

  16. that is my fave hot sauce ever!!! Just bought some yesterday!!! It is the best!!!

    I am loving your yummy dessert! I hope you and the family have a wonderful weekend love! xoxo

  17. Oh the last one, the brown sugar oatmeal flax, it looks so good.

  18. merci d avoir partager ce contenu moi jaime bien merci Bonne Annee 2016
    cartes de voeux 2016
    st valentin 2016
    saint valentin 2016
    continuez sur ce modele !


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