
Monday, August 16, 2010

Wagon Wheels and Weenies

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Not much happened here other than me attacking a massive amount of laundry that is still not complete. I think I need therapy to get over my issues with laundry! Other than that, this weekend was full of kid foods! I love putting a healthy spin on kid foods. It makes me feel good about feeding old family favorites, that may not have been so good for you, to my guys. Seriously, I live in a house full of men. There is no denying the cravings they get. So, I happily work on things to satisfy their cravings. While the illustrator is getting older (sorry babe), he still enjoys these treats from the kitchen!

The cravings around the house were for corn dog Max and I put them together. He always helps me in the kitchen and this is one of his favorites to do because he chops the hot dogs.

They like them with a side of spicy brown mustard for dipping! I don't blame them on this one!

Me, well I had some quinoa in the fridge and salad stuff.  With all the kiddy foods going on, I wanted something with pickles and ketchup.  So, I figured why not?

Enter salad of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, quinoa, yellow mustard and ketchup!  YUM!

Now, for the ultimate in kid food...Wagon Wheels and Weenies!

This is from the illustrator's past, not mine. It is now a favorite of my boys'!

Wagon Wheels and Weenies

Baked Potatoes (yukon gold are the best!)
Hot Dogs (use what you like, we use Turkey)

Melt Smart Balance Light in your pan.  Add your potatoes and fry until just browned.  Then add the sliced hot dogs and cook until everything is nice and browned.

And last, but not least...I made gluten free/dairy free monkey bread! Don't worry, recipe coming tomorrow! You will want to make these dough balls covered in melty sugar and cinnamon!

It has been 8 years since I had monkey bread. It was like I was a kid again and I was in heaven!

Have you ever had monkey bread? Do you make healthier version of your favorite kid foods?


  1. Corn dog I've never seen those before!!! Is it sad that they look REALLY good to me?!

  2. I'm not sure I have had monkey bread - maybe so and just called it something different? My hubby has been wanting crazy things like mac n' cheese and baked beans. He has requested that I figure out healthy, vegan versions. Hope you have a great Monday!

  3. I've never had monkey bread. I only see it on blogs!

    Corn dog muffins are genius. Have a great week!

  4. That monkey bread looks amazing! And the corn dog muffins look adorable. How fun!

    I do try to make our meals as healthy as possible by tweaking recipes and usually the husband loves them just as much!

  5. One of my best friends growing up would ALWAYS have monkey bread at her house! It may have been why we were best friends...

  6. Love the corn dog muffins idea. Never heard of wagon wheels + weenies and never had monkey bread.

    Love how you did all the hamburger type topping up as a quinoa salad. Looks good!

  7. I loved monkey bread! But it was seriously a danger to have in the house when I was growing up... tearing off pieces to eat as you pass through the kitchen was way too easy!

    And laundry blows. That is all. ;)

  8. Corn dog muffins are interesting, I would have never thought to combine that. I've never had money bread before but I'd love to try especially if you health-ified it.

  9. corn dog muffins! YUM!
    monkey bread is so good. i loveeeee cinnamon.

  10. Your guys are the luckiest! I hope to be as good of a mom and make healthier versions of "fun food." :)

    Looking forward to the monkey bread recipe!

  11. corn dog muffins sound wonderful! love your meal recap. and nope, i've never had monkey bread, though it looks awesome!

  12. the monkey bread looks so good, never tried it

  13. OMG I LOVE monkey bread! Its so hard to find these days! I make corn dog muffins too! a little different recipe but they are super yummy, but I do miss the stick sometimes!

  14. Gluten free monkey bread?!?!?!?!?!?! Sarena, I think I love you. Monkey bread is one of my FAVORITE things ever!! I haven't had it forever though. Ok, I know what I'll be making us for breakfast this weekend!! :)

  15. Monkey Bread??!! Never had it ever! I might have to change that : )

    Thanks for the sweet comment back! Gosh kids grow up soooooo fast! Have a great night! xoxo

  16. Oh yes we love monkey bread! We have a gluten free vegan version too : ) YUM!

  17. monkey bread...for you it's been a handful of years, for me kid you not it's been about 20 to 25. WOW the memories!!! thank you for the trip down mem lane...

  18. Corn dog muffins! Totally creative! And my boyfriend would LOVE the recipe! Very cool and super cute.

  19. Wagon Wheels and Weenies - LOL! I've made that multiple times, never realizing it had a name. It reminds me of the Latin dish named Salchipapas (except they use French fries).



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