
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gluten Free Vendor Fair! heavy post and my apologies for the iphone fluorescent heavy pictures too (my camera battery died while I was at the fair)...

Before I get going on the first part of the day, I will start with the end of the day...

Since the boys loaded up on food at the vendor fair, I was starving at dinner time and they were still full. I put my leftovers to work along with the heirloom tomato I got from the farmer's market on Tuesday...

and a slice of the gluten free bread I made the other day (which makes perfect toast)!  I am really happy with this loaf of bread. I want to work on it a little more, but this was my first loaf of gluten free bread made from scratch and it was pretty freakin' good!

I made a little salad of fresh corn cut off the cob and the heirloom tomato, garlic hummus, scrambled egg whites, gluten free toast and hot sauce! Amazing flavor combination and completely satisfying!

Now for the rest of the day....while researching for jobs one day, I came across a Gluten Free Vendor Fair that was being held in Norcross, GA. I have never been to a food show for food allergies or intolerances before. I have attended the Fancy Food Show in Atlanta when I worked in catering, but this was much smaller. It was $5 each for Tony and I to get in (the kids were free since they are under 13). We each got a reusable bag with a bottle of water before we entered the show.

At first, Tony wasn't going to go. He is swamped with work and we both thought it was going to be really small and probably not worth the $10 it would cost to get in. It was only 20 minutes from our house and after talking about it for a little bit, I convinced him to get out for a couple of hours with me. I mean he is the one with "the celiac". We left home at lunch time, so I figured we would have to grab lunch out on the way back...

(This picture does not give this creme brulee justice, it was beautiful and Tony did not stop talking about it!)

While I couldn't eat much there, the boys feasted! PF Chang's had a huge set up there for sampling, along with Outback Steakhouse and Maggiano's!  Remember...only $5/adult!  There were also tons of baked goods for sampling...

Along with some of our favorite products for tasting, there were tons of coupons!

I haven't tried this flour yet. It was $20 (or $25, I can't remember) for a bag of flour. This is why I am trying to bake my own stuff. Yikes! 

This bakery was incredible! They inspired me to get my butt in the kitchen and bake more! You could not tell these were gluten free at all!

The boys left on a really high note...

Since we stayed until the end (we had no idea there would be so many products to learn about and sample), companies started giving things away! The boys actually walked out with chinese take out...

and Tony had a couple more samples of gluten free beer! We all needed a nap after all of this!

Then we got home and started going through our loot!

After looking at everything, I swear we walked out of there with about $40 worth of stuff not including the meals the boys ate between the pizza, Chinese food, Italian food, beer and sweets.  We spent $16.50 because we bought the Rudi's bread when we first got there. Just a suggestion, when you go to something like this, don't buy anything until the end! It is good bread though, so worth the purchase. Besides, we wanted to support more companies.

While this one was a Gluten Free Vendor Fair, many items were free of all the major allergens! I will definitely be checking out more food shows like this. I think it is so important to support these organizations and companies! It was a great afternoon and I look forward to the next one!

Have you ever been to a food fair?


  1. So fun! But $20 for a bag of flour? What are they thinking?!

  2. Evan, I think they put magic in there!
    Have you tried that one? Personally, I love Bob's!

  3. The GF vendor fair sounds awesome! I think it's great for people who can't eat gluten to go to things like this because it gets them excited about eating this way. They are able to find new products to try out and it sort of lifts them up and encourages them to continue living GF for their best health. I know for someone like Andrew who misses donuts and fried chicken, it's great when he sees that there are options - yummy options - out there to take care of those cravings so they're not deprived.

    Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!! :)

  4. Blogger keeps messing up for me so I hope this doesn't double post. I almost never go to food events b/c they almost never have vegetarian options (especially around here). I am so glad you guys went and had such a great time. Kind of jealous!

  5. Am I the only one who finds the irony in kids being free at these sorts of things? They're usually the ones that make the biggest dent! haha. Sounds like everyone enjoyed themselves, and you definitely scored on the loot!! I would love to go to a food vendor fair, I don't think I've ever heard of something like that around here!

  6. Wow. What a great fair! Must've been a foodie heaven!

  7. OOh, I wish I would have known about that. I'm not gluten-free, I just like free samples!

  8. Yep - I definitely think you got your moneys worth!!

  9. wow, what a fun fair! i love free samples!!

  10. Any tips on how to find out about these things in our area? I would love to go to events like this but never hear about them until after the fact. :(

    Looks like a perfect place for food lovers to hit up. And how great that it fits your family's needs.

  11. Holy moly! I have never been to anything like that but it sounds amazing! Anything with that much free stuff is right up my alley...

  12. what a fun event with so much great food!

  13. wow sounds like an intresting fair. I wonder if there is one here in Houston.

  14. This looks like such a fun fair!!! I saw Maggiano's in there- love that restaurant!! If they make a gluten-free version of their mushroom raviolis you must try it!

  15. awesome loot!!! I went to the gourmet food expo in nyc over the summer and it was HUGE!!! and I got so much free goodies..and they are so fun.

    about the peanut flour how can anyone not like it?

  16. Thanks Sarena, but what is daiya? I'm not sure if I can get it here in Australia.
    I'm still struggling with my stubbornness, so I am not entirely dairy free every day. But I'm getting there.
    I've even convinced my boyfriend (who grew up on a dairy farm) to have less dairy, and it has really helped his acne.


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