
Saturday, October 16, 2010

BBQ Stuffed Eggplant

Yesterday was complete craziness, but we finally painted the bathroom and we are almost done. We have a few more things that need to be put away and organized, but other than that...we will be on our way to productive! The illustrator also went with a group of our friends to see the movie Red!  I had to pick up the kids so I didn't go, but I met everyone afterwards for dinner and it was a nice little break. One of our closest friends was the co-creator of the graphic novel for the movie. So if you are looking for something to do this weekend...go check out the movie!

BBQ Stuffed Eggplant
1/2 large red pepper
1 medium zucchini sliced in half
1 medium yellow squash in half
1 small onion sliced
1 small eggplant cut in half (scoop out as much as you can within 1/4 inch from the skin)
2/3 cup navy beans
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 TBSP BBQ Sauce (your favorite)

Grill the pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, onion and insides of the egglplant until almost cooked. I used my George Foreman Grill, but you could also sautee them in a little butter, coconut oil or olive oil. When the vegetables are off the grill, cut them into little cubes the size of the beans and place them in a mixing bowl. Now add the rest of your ingredients and scoop the mixture into the eggplant. Mine would only hold 1 cup in each half. Bake at 375 degrees in a baking dish for 30-40 minutes. (It took 40 for me - also bake the rest of the bean veggie mixture)

This makes a ton of filling, but it is so good on it's own too!  This is definitely going in the regular rotation!


  1. Oh, that looks so good!!! I've seen lots of trailers for Red and I think it looks cute. I love any spy-related movie. And after seeing Helen Mirren play beer pong on with Jimmy Falon on his late night show, I have become a fan. lol

  2. I have never worked with eggplant. It might just be that I am scared of large produce, I wouldn't know the first step in cutting or preparation.

    I like how your family puts things on "rotation" that is a cute way to put it. :D

  3. Oh that looks soooo good. Yum. Love this idea. I've never stuffed eggplant. Hope you're Saturday is off to a good start friend!

  4. I don't know if you read Newlywed, Newly Veg's blog, but she just posted a recipe for stuffed delicata squash and said, "Is there anything better than food used as a receptacle for more food? I think not." How true is that?! ;) This looks great and what a yummy GF dinner option!

    Have a fabulous weekend my sweet friend!!!! :)

  5. I'm not a fan of eggplant but this looks great with bbq sauce!

  6. Love this recipe.

    I really want to see that movie too!

  7. Mmm, bbq sauce goes well on everything! I hope you are well, miss your emails chica!


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