
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Ok, so this post was supposed to be for yesterday, but time and exhaustion took over...

First off, I want to thank everyone for there kind comments to my last post! Seriously, I appreciate everything everyone said and I am so thankful for your understanding! Just to clarify, I was speaking for myself and others. It was something I felt needed to be said and I feel like you all understood where I was coming from.  So, thank you so much!

Now, where in the world did this weekend go? We have literally been running around since Friday morning. I still did not have a costume for Saturday's festivities so we spent all morning trying to figure out what I could be. We had a few ideas, but nothing really sang to me. Tony was going as a Ghostbuster and it was supposed to be funny and kind of lame, but he started building a proton pack with box wine (yes, he built his beverage into the costume) and assorted electronics we had around here...the darn thing started to look real.

(he is pointing to the wine spout)

That made me feel pressure for a better costume. After all the places we went looking, we ended up at the Good Will. Just when I was about to give up, I spotted a retired cheerleader costume and figured why not. Most people thought it was my costume from when I was in high school. I was not a cheerleader in school and sadly, the girl who had this before filled the top out way better than me. Oh well, since I ran out of time, for $3.69, this was what I had. I told the boys it was too bad that the outfit is not from their high school, so I could wear it to their games in a few years (I am completely joking, but I love to see them squirm). Neither of them were amused by this. Max wore a Robin costume from when he was 4 and it was way too small, but that was what he thought was funny about it and Jay wanted a shirt that said "costume" so that is what he got. We had a great night with friends and it was such a blast to hang out and be goofy.

I did not take my camera due to the amount of drinking and craziness that would go on, so I only had my camera from my phone and I swiped a few pictures from friends. Our friends know how to do Halloween, that's for sure. There house is perfectly decorated and the food is always amazing! Thanks guys for the festive evening!

We took the boys yesterday to go trick-or-treating at the mall. That was a first for us, but our neighborhood decided to take over the holiday and make it on Saturday. In all honesty, I am still angry about the whole thing, but I had no control over it and we made the best of it. Mall trick-or-treating is not good, but the blizzards the boys got afterwards made it a fun outing after all.

I missed a blogger meet up on Friday that I was sad about, but we promised the boys that we would take them to Fright Night at Six Flags and since last weekend was crazy with my parents coming in to town and other plans that were already made, Friday was our only opportunity to go. I learned a very important lesson that night...don't go on the Wheely.  Ugh, I was sick to my stomach for the next three days. I would say it was my age, but I remember that one from when I was a kid and what can I say, I don't like to spin around fast. I wanted to ride with the boys though. I missed my friend Nayoung on this trip. She would do all the crazy rides that I can't stomach.

It was a crazy weekend, but we had a blast and enjoyed friends and our own little family!
So, all in was a great Halloween weekend!


  1. Oh wow, you've got quite a spread of halloween goodies!!! Looks like fun :) And I feel like this weekend flew by too!! Where did the time go?

  2. Wow, that party looks amazing! That food spread-yum!!

    Your boys looked adorable! That's the one thing I miss about being at school for Halloween is that I don't get to see the kids in their costumes. I used to always like that-they all look so cute!

  3. I love your family's costumes! Y'all are a good-looking crowd :-)

  4. That fireplace looks insane!!!!

    I love all the costumes too!

  5. Haha! I love the "costume" shirt as a costume. That's genius. And I would have thought it was an old uniform too. LOL

    I hope you all had fun on Friday. I'm glad you got to spend that time all together. And I also can't stand when neighborhoods switch up Halloween and do it on a different night.

  6. Love that you all dressed up. Sounds like a super busy (but fun) weekend. Your friends went all out on that spread didn't they! Hope you're able to relax a minute today ;-)

  7. Wait- they moved trick-or-treating to a different day? I didn't even know you could do that!

    You looked really cute in your costume! And you can't beat Goodwill for that kind of thing...

  8. You guys look awesome! I love the costumes and am so glad that you had a good time. I heard about a different neighborhood changing the day of Halloween festivities and thought it was pretty strange... Hrmph.

  9. I love the head sitting on the mantle :)

    You guys are too cute! And I hear you on the mall trick-or-treating, it just isn't the same as being out in the neigborhood!

  10. Leave it to Tony to find a way to incorporate a box of wine into his costume! You guys are too funny! :) Glad you had a nice Halloween!

  11. Love all the costumes! I found mine at Goodwill this year, too-- that place is a gold mine!! My husband worked REALLY hard on his costume this year, so I was glad mine turned out okay, too. (didn't want to embarrass him or anything!) Ha ha. ;)

    That Halloween party looks amazing, too! I only wish I was that great at decorating...

    Glad you had a great Halloween!!

  12. I was at that party! For a bit. My kid was running around in the Jango Fett costume. Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet. I've been lurking on your blog for awhile now. They do know how to do Halloween!

  13. Haha, love the "costume" shirt! ;) You all look so great dressed up!! And that table looks amazing with all of the food and decorations, how fun!! :)

    We missed you on Friday, but totally understand. Hope to get together with you SOON! :)

  14. I love all of your costumes. and your husband is a keeper, building his beverage into his costume! :)

  15. Your costumes look great. I don't understand the whole trick or treating on Saturday thing. I mean, if Halloween was on a Wednesday, which is also a school night, no one would try to switch it to Saturday.

    We missed you at dinner. We'll have to have another soon.

  16. I am so glad that you guys came! We just needed a good dose of the Shasteens. Love you all!

  17. I agree...those are awesome costumes. I think my personal fav is the "COSTUME." costume :P Glad you found something last minute, too :) Bummer about Halloween not being on Halloween, though! What is this world coming to?! At least it was still enjoyed. Have a good night Sarena!

  18. Glad to hear you had a great Halloween weekend! That food spread looks AMAZING!

  19. glad you had a blast w/ friends!!! and left the camera at home :)

    and glad that T & Ting worked out in the end but yea, I woulda been ticked at your neighborhood too!

    the costumes rock :)

  20. You look so cute in your costume! I love your son's "costume" t-shirt. It's something I would've worn at that age :)


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