
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I win!

Well, sort of anyway...

Ok, if I say breakfast for dinner, what do you think you are having? Me, I am having pancakes! I mean really, what's a good breakfast for dinner without pancakes? The illustrator wanted hash browns, eggs and bacon. I don't know why, but I don't consider eggs and potatoes to be breakfast. Probably because I eat those for dinner pretty often, crazy, but true. So, dinner was growing into another crazy feast. I think we are all just craving different things lately, but I try to give everyone a chance to make a call on dinner.

Well, the illustrator got a call from a friend who came in to town for work and since he had not seen him in years, we both knew that he needed to go meet up with him. So, I got my pumpkin pancakes for dinner!  I win!

The weird part about this is that I did not have enough white wheat flour to make pancakes. So, I went to my favorite flour, chickpea fava. Yep, that is my favorite even though it is gluten free. I am a complete meal kind of person, so the fact that I can get good protein and fiber from a flour is a huge bonus! These pancakes were hearty, fluffy and perfectly pumpkiny for a fall breakfast for dinner!

I was going to make pumpkin butter, but ran out of time yesterday and since I still wanted some sort of pumpkin topping for my pancakes, I decided to heat up some pumpkin, maple syrup and pumpkin pie spice...if you make nothing else from this post, make that...oh my!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes
(serves 1)

1/4 cup chickpea fava flour (you can use all purpose)
1/2 cup quick oats or slightly ground up whole oats
1 TBSP flax meal mixed with 3 TBSP hot water and set aside for 5 minutes
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup pumpkin
1/3 cup water or dairy free milk
10 drops vanilla stevia (or 1 tsp sweetener of your choice)
3 shakes pumpkin pie spice

Mix everything together and cook in a nonstick skillet or a regular skillet with coconut oil.

Pumpkin Maple Topping

2 TBSP pumpkin puree (I used fresh roasted and pureed)
1 TBSP maple syrup
5 - 10 drops vanilla stevia or more maple syrup

Heat the mixture and enjoy!

I got an interesting question yesterday from Alyssa at Gluten Free Muse...

She asked if I make my kids eat dairy free since I eat dairy free?

The short answer is no.

The long answer is, since I can't have dairy or soy and Tony can't have wheat (and my grandmother has celiac too - so that is now on both sides), we have a list of things we have to avoid on a daily basis. Meal time can get out of hand around here quickly. For a long time, I stopped eating anything fun and stuck with about a handful of things that I knew I could stomach and cooked fun stuff for the boys. When Tony was diagnosed with celiac, I feel like I was given a partner in crime and came out of my fear of food. I feel like, while it is expensive, the boys need to know that food can be good even if it is gluten, dairy and soy free. Some things are easy to make gluten and dairy free, like rice pudding. In fact, the boys all prefer this made with almond milk. The odds of the little guys having celiac is pretty high. They both show signs of things now that make me wonder, but I can't put them through an endoscopy yet (I just don't want to put them through it quite yet), Jay is deathly afraid of needles and Max already had a negative blood test (but since celiac is an auto immune disorder, it won't show up in a blood test unless it has been triggered). Yes, I know I need to be tested too, but let's just say I am taking a little break from the doctor for a little while after all the stuff I have been through for the past 8 years. So, for now, I like giving them tastes of things that are gluten free/dairy free/soy free so they won't feel like they are missing out if it turns out they can't have these things later on. Yes, it is more expensive, but I feel like it is worth it in the long run. Besides, in most cases, I prefer the gluten free version. I don't feed them Tony's store bought loaves of bread (because it was $8 the last time we went to the store), but if I bake something gluten free, I do encourage them to eat it.


  1. I made pumpkin pancakes over the weekend. They're fabulous.

    I haven't really jumped on the pumpkin bandwagon too much, but I will say I will be making those pancakes quite often while the supply is still abundant!

  2. uno what, its really interesting that u mentioned that celiac wont necessarily pop up on a blood test. i just got my blood drawn and tested last week and the results were negative.. but ive also been symptom free, so i wonder if it were to flare up (if i had celiac) then that might mean the negative blood test could be positive. actually on the sheet it said something about false negatives which i should look at again. wow, i definitely dont wanna be like "im a 100% not celiac" just because ive had symptoms in the past and gluten-intolerance runs in the family..hmmm interesting. i guess a biopsy is the only actual sure-fire way to know right..


  3. Those pancakes look fantastic!

    I think you showing your boys that eating in a "restricted" way doesn't have to mean boring, bland food is a great lesson for them to learn early on!

  4. I haven't tried that chickpea fava flour. I get nervous about how different flours will work with baking. I know with some things it really doesn't matter, but with baking...

    I don't know how you keep it all straight with the allergies. I think it would stress me out. You always make such fantastic meals though. My sister recently had to switch to GF and it sort of makes my head spin thinking about it. I take not having allergies for granted!

  5. Pumpkin in anything makes my heart sing :). I really like your idea of using chickpea flour because I also like to eat "whole" meals, but like my pancakes, too! Do you ever have any issues using gluten free flours/do you have to use combinations? I've found that my body is MUCH happier when I don't eat much gluten so I've really been trying to play around with gluten free cooking. I suppose it's not all that hard since I eat mostly whole foods, anyway. I really enjoyed reading the answer to the question you were asked. I think it is great that you encourage your boys to try a variety of things, be it dairy free, soy free, wheat free, etc. or not, and above all, teach them to love food.

    Have a lovely day!

  6. I'm definitely with you - pancakes MAKE breakfast for dinner. Otherwise its just eggs and taters. :)

    I loved hearing about your food strategy with the boys. You're doing a great job with it.

  7. Those pancakes look amazing! I love pumpkin pancakes, and I haven't had any yet this season! I also haven't tried chickpea flour... sounds like something I need to remedy!

    Love hearing about your food strategies for your family! I feel very fortunate that I don't have any food allergies to deal with, but I do have to avoid soy (due to a history of family health problems) and prefer to avoid cow's dairy. Luckily, my husband is open to using almond milk, too! :)

  8. Okay, seriously... you need to make a pancake cookbook! You have some of the best recipes!

  9. These look wonderful! I love the sound of the maple pumpkin sauce, so enticing!

  10. *starred in my reader* these look FABULOUS... and gluten free is an awesome bonus (essential for me...)

    I completely agree - when I think breakfast for dinner, it must include pancakes or french toast. :D

  11. I have to compliment you on your pictures! Droool!!

    Glad you got your pancakes.

    I don't think anyone would say your boys aren't well fed ;)

  12. I agree, potatoes and meat are just too dinner-ish. I have baked potatoes with chicken, or sweet potatoes with some sort of protein, all the time for dinner! Pancakes are much better for a dinner-breakfast.

    I have never even seen chickpea fava flour. It sounds interesting. Right now I'm stuck on my brown rice flour, which works well for most baked goods.

  13. Mmmmm pancakes :) You really make restricted eat look unrestrictive- inspiring!

  14. Wow those pancakes look out of this world!! YUMMMM

    You are a great teacher and mom :)

  15. I am SO making these pancakes. GF and vegan- score! I think it is awesome that you are being so cautious with your kids. I am a GF vegan and people are so quick to focus on what I am missing in life. I prefer to focus on what I am NOT missing and what I am getting to eat. I think you are starting a wonderful foundation for your kids, esp. if they turn out to have soy, wheat, dairy, egg, etc issues.

  16. I tried making these pancakes for my birthday today, but like most GF ones I've tried, they didn't cook in the middle :( I don't know what I do wrong. First we tried adding more liquid to these, then we ran the batter through the blender, which did help, but my dad still had to cut the pancakes in half to even get them close to cooked, so we ended up with crepe likes things.

  17. Ferryboat, the batter is supposed to be thicker, I think you added way too much liquid if you needed to blend it in the blender and then they turned out like crepes. Also, I have found it best to make gluten free pancakes small, about 1/4 cup batter each, so they do cook in the center.


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