
Friday, November 12, 2010

Pinto Bean Chili

Truth be told, I am exhausted this week. Between sick kids, fighting off illnesses, short days for school, parent teacher conferences, time changes, the usual cleaning and work, oh and cooking...I am ready for this week to be O-V-E-R.

That being said, I am currently done with school pick ups and am enjoying my afternoon tea with some fruit. The hot tea counter acts the cold fruit and the arctic temps the illustrator has to have in order to survive. I have pizza dough (3 different types) rising for dinner and the plan is some mixture of rosemary, potato and chicken.  All of this is from leftovers, so it will be easy to put together for a Friday night pizza night.

(perfect on home fries!)

I realized the other day that I have not posted a new updated version of my chili. I also realize there are about a million and one ways to make chili, so I figured I would make it a million and two.  In fact, I have a couple of variations of this one on my site already. I used to make it with soy crumbles and we have now moved into just beans due to everyones dietary requirements. I have a secret ingredient though and I want to's pinto beans and lots of them!  Yep, I swear, they make the best chili EVER! This recipe comes together so fast and the ingredients are easy to find. Like any chili, it is always better the next day, so we normally have a little on the night it is made, you know, to test it and then eat it the next night for real.  

(perfect with pumpkin polenta cakes)

Updated My Favorite Chili
(based on Easy Ed's -my father-in-law- recipe)

4 cups (12 oz bag) frozen pepper and onion mix (if these are larger pieces, grind in a food processor to desired size)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
1 14.5 oz. can petite diced tomatoes
8 cups cooked pinto beans (the secret special ingredient)
1/2 cup water
3 TBSP chili powder
1 TBSP cumin
1/2 tsp ground dried coriander
1 tsp salt
fresh ground black pepper
1 TBSP vinegar (this brightens all the me on this one!)

Cook the peppers and onions until translucent. Add the garlic and sautee for a minute. Add a little water to the pan if you need moisture to keep the vegetables from burning or sticking. When vegetables are cooked, put everything in the pot except the vinegar. Simmer for 20 minutes. Add the vinegar in the end.

Do you have a secret ingredient for your chili? Spill the beans!


  1. That sounds delicious! I like the vinegar - I especially like to use a splash of balsamic as it adds such a richness to the flavour. In fact, I've been adding the stuff to all sorts of things - even cupcakes!

  2. I love chili. I'll have to try this recipe. I don't have a secret ingredient for mine although I've made one with pumpkin once.

  3. I'm always on the lookout for a chili recipe that stands out in the crowd, ad I think this ought to be my next one :) I made one recently with sweet potatoes and cocout oil from ED&BV and loved it, but it certainly wasn't traditional!
    I hope you are able to rest up this weeked, Sarena!

  4. To be honest - I have never made chili. My mom made us some growing up but for me personally never made it. I just was never a huge chili person :(

    I love those pumpkin polenta cakes - such a vibrant color!

  5. what a week you've had!!

    the chili looks stellar. vinegar, totally noted.

    and the recipe you told me about yesterday, that you made..was it eggplant or something that you roasted and the whole family loved it...sounded delish!!!

  6. Oh hope you enjoyed pizza Friday for me too! I'll get my pizza fix on Sunday. I never think about pinto beans. Isn't that funny how you get stuck on certain things and forget about others. Um, secret chili ingredient...we use beer usually. Though, I really don't know that it makes any difference.

  7. Happy weekend! Christian just started adding vinegar to his chili after he saw Alton Brown talk about it on his show. He loves it. Great minds think alike :)

    Have a fun weekend!

  8. Consider the week OVER!!! I hope you get to rest and relax a little this weekend!

  9. O Yes this would be perfect with the pumpkin polenta cakes! I have to make those again soon.

  10. My grandpa is a chili master and his secret is cinnamon! (Don't tell him I told you...)

  11. I love bean chilis, but I actually never thought of using pinto beans or vinegar. Great tips! I totally agree with you that chili is even better the second day. It will be a winter staple for sure.

    Have a lovely day!

  12. This sounds delicious! I hope your day gets a little better!

  13. LOVE THE SAUCE!! i get sad when chili doesnt have lots of good hearty sauce to stew in. the leftover sauce is my favorite because u can dip bread in it at the end <3

  14. This recipe sounds great! Hope you got to relax a bit over the weekend :)


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