
Friday, November 5, 2010

Rosemary Lentil Stew

Is anyone else tired today, or is it just me? I have not caught up from the late night on Tuesday yet and I am dragging horribly. I did the workout negotiation with myself for 15 minutes in bed this morning before my brain realized that I had already been awake for 15 minutes and I really should just get up already! So, I rolled out of bed, literally, and decided on an easier, calmer workout for today. We are going for our walk in a little bit so I figured doing SlowRobics (Ellen Barrett) would be perfect. I do the one on FitTv, but I think this one is close to it from the reviews online. It is NOT high intensity at all. It incorporates strength and movement and it's nice for a change when you want/need to move, but you don't want to go crazy for fear of hurting yourself (through sleepy stumbling). Anyway, I jog in place and do jumping jacks during the commercials and add my own intensity blasts where she does lower intensity. I am definitely one of those people that has to get moving or I will be tired all day. I guess the endorphins help wake me up (along with the coffee that I consume pretty much as soon as I am done), so this was perfect this morning.

On to food! I have been craving Tony's vegetable soup lately and well, the pantry is starting to run low and I didn't have any cooked chickpeas. So, I decided to change it up a bit and kind of mix two of our favorites, the lentil stew and Tony's vegetable soup. I had a deep craving for rosemary bread soup and bread was the plan.

I came up with a gluten free bread last week that Tony and I loved, but I wanted to try it out again a little differently. I wanted to add rosemary and I wanted to make a larger amount. I don't know if it was the moisture in the air from all the rain or if I wasn't measuring carefully since I was making it between getting the boys from school, but I ended up adding more flour and took over the pan while it proofed and cooked over the sides a little in the oven. Luckily, I put it on a pan to catch what I knew would come over the top. I am so glad I did, because those bits that cooked over onto the pan were like perfect crispy crackers and my house did not smell like it was burning down. I think I may try to make them on purpose next time!

Then I had the moment of truth when I had to get this sucker out of the pan while it was gripping to the sides for dear life! I protected myself by lining the bottom of the pan with parchment so I just had to get the sides off. I had to get it out though because it would keep baking in the pan if I didn't. 

The boys made turkey sandwiches with their bread chunks while Tony and I dipped.

The soup was perfect for the cool fall evening and was really easy to make. I loaded it with frozen veggies and lentils so it was quick to come together and cooked while the bread baked. This was the meal I was waiting for all week!

Rosemary Lentil Stew
(makes 18 cups)

1 16oz bag lentils (rinsed and drained)
1 medium onion chopped
4 garlic cloves minced
10 cups water
2 large or 4 small vegetable bouillon cubes
1 jar pasta sauce
1 12 oz bag frozen brussels sprouts
1 32 oz bag  frozen mixed vegetables
2 TBSP fresh rosemary
salt and pepper to taste

Put everything in a large pot and boil for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the lentils are cooked.

I have realized that I am really more of a stew person than a soup person. I like them to be thick and chunky. I left the brussels sprouts whole and Tony said he would have preferred them cut in half. I told him to think of it as a vegetable "dumpling". Next time I will cut them for him. I am such a sucker for texture in my food.


  1. I'm totally one of those people who has to move in the mornings, too! Otherwise, I'm the most un-productive person on the planet. ;) Luckily, I have a cute, furry dog who needs to be walked every morning, and a rebounder sitting in my living room reminding me I should bounce on it! (I love running in place on it-- it's low impact for my sleepy body, too!)

    I love rosemary in just about anything, so your stew looks delish!

  2. I have to move in the morning too or I'm in a fog. I just wish it didn't make me sore all day long.

    Rosemary always means delicious. Looks great!

  3. why have i not cooked with lentils yet?!!? i love them and this recipe looks awesome. have a great weekend honey!

  4. Mmmm...I'm a stew person too! The chunkier, the better!

    I'm tired today too...maybe the shift in seasons?

  5. I had lentil soup for lunch!!! It's so good, and so filling!!!

  6. LOL - I do that all the time and then realize I've freaking been awake for 30 minutes thinking about exercising rather than just getting up and getting on with it.

    I never think to use rosemary in soups/stews. I pretty much relegate it to roasted potatoes...

  7. I am not much of a soup person but this one sounds amazing!!! Lentils and rosemary!!! Heaven!

  8. I can imagine how good that smelled in your kitchen. I haven't made lentil soup in so long, you have been inspiring me so much in the kitchen lately! I need to bring lentil soup back into my life!

  9. Would you be willing to share your gluten free bread recipe?


  10. That looks delicious, and I think you're right. It would be perfect for a cool fall evening.

  11. Looks delicious, Sarena...the bread and the stew! I also am definitely more open to stews or chilis rather than soups. I need something thick and hearty! I bet the "top" on that bread was the best part. crunch, crunch!
    catch up on sleep this weekend!

  12. Love love love lentils! Do you have Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison? I LOVE her lentil soup recipe.

  13. I must try that GF bread, especially with rosemary!

  14. Mmm that gluten free bread looks delicious! It looks perfectly moist :)

  15. I am more of a stew person too. I actually have a cup of lentils that I am planning to use up this week but wanted to try to make a "lentil stew" but I'm not sure how...and I'm ALL about trying that bread!!!

  16. I just tried emailing you but it got bounced back to me! I was trying to find your GF bread recipe! I'm notorious for being "blind" so if it's staring me in the face and I don't see it I apologize!! Thanks!!

  17. Rosemary lentil stew?! Oh baby!!! I love mornings and I def. have to move around to get going haha.

  18. texture is KEY for me too...KEY!!!!

    happy sunday nite, hope you had a lovely weekend w/ your family :)

  19. I really like that addition of brussels sprouts to your stew - nice idea!

  20. Man, today has DEFINITELY been a foggy day. Maybe the fact that I fell asleep at 8 has something to do with that?

  21. Have you thought of using a springform pan? It might make it easier to get out than parchment paper.

  22. I love the hemp fudge. So good!


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