
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweet Potato Chips

Today has been crazy! I woke up thinking I was late, then I realized I was not late and had a couple hours more to sleep. Then, I went back to sleep. The next time I looked at the clock, it told me that the alarm should have gone off already. So, I looked at my phone (I use it as an alarm) and it said I was an hour late. I assumed I set the clock wrong so I jumped out of bed and told the illustrator I was late and had to get the boys up now. It all felt weird, so I came downstairs to turn the coffee pot on and realized the clocks downstairs said it was only 6am. So, I turned on the tv and I was right on time! I came back upstairs and told the illustrator to stay in bed, he had another hour. He was super grateful for that! See, crazy start!

It felt good to be up on time and things were going well, except Max decided not to move quick enough. I feel bad for the boys since they are still trying to get all better. Oh well, everyone got to school on time and we got to our morning walking. The illustrator walked like a crazy man. Normally he is telling me to slow down, but this time I wanted to tell him to, but instead I let him push me a little. The weather is crazy pretty, so it felt good to be able to walk and feel comfortable!

The boys had early pick up today and Max had his parent teacher conference...which went well. So, since we were so crazy running around and everyone was feeling snacky...I made chips for a fun snacky meal!

Tonight was sweet potato chips with chili from the freezer. Really easy dinner and so good!

Microwave Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato, thinly sliced
cooking spray or melted coconut oil

Slice potatoes to your desired thickness (the thicker, the longer they take to cook). Place the potato slices in a bowl, spray lightly with cooking spray or lightly cover with melted coconut oil and salt. Toss to coat. Place the slices out flat on a plate and leave a little space between them. Microwave them 2-3 minutes depending on how thick they are. Then flip and microwave 2-3 more minutes. Keep an eye on them so they don't burn. You will notice they will start to brown and become crisp. Let them cool so they can crisp up completely.

I am submitting this in the Gluten Free Homemaker's Gluten Free Wednesday Carnival.


  1. Oh yum. I have to make those chips soon. I love sweet potato things.

  2. Oh I hate it when I do that with time in the morning. At least you really weren't late. I love the chips idea. Fantastic! Perfect compliment to chili too. Yum.

  3. I love that these are made in the microwave!!!

    Perfect for a quick and healthy side dish :)

  4. Yikes! Morning like that definitely get your heart started right quick. :)

    I love the microwave chips.

  5. i never would have thought to make sweet potato chips in the microwave. it's a must-try now!
    sounds like your phone and clock is out to get you :P how bizarre! it's happened to me before, too - though the weirdest was when I woke up in the middle. of. the. night. (or morning?) because i had a dream i was late! i started making my breakfast and everything. oi vei.

  6. You make them in the microwave?!?! And they get crispy? That's fantastic!

    I admire how much patience you have to wrangle a group of boys around everyday. I can't even handle one right now. ;)

  7. I have GOT to try that sweet potato chip trick!

    That does sound like a crazy morning! I'm glad you at least weren't really late!

  8. I'm a fan of any recipe that can be made in the microwave (well, most of them, haha). Definitely giving these chips a try!

  9. Whew. That was a hectic morning. Glad you weren't actually running late though. And those chips look delicious! Plus, they're in discs. ;)

  10. ok i have heard of this method before but never really believed it would work...i am now a believer...delish!!!!

  11. A microwave recipe?! You wrote this just for me didn't you?

    The clock story is weird. I'm glad you weren't late though. Too many clocks in your life!

  12. Your recipes always sound so easy! Love it. :)

  13. Those look delicious!!! I love anything with sweet potatoes :D

  14. Woah, sweet potato chips and chili sounds like the best fall meal ever. I'm totally trying that this weekend! (Oh, I bet it would even be a good snack for like football game watching!)

    Also, I LOVE when I think I have to get up, and then I realize I can go back to sleep. haha

  15. The illustrator walked like a crazy man. Normally he is telling me to slow down, but this time he wanted to tell him to, but instead he let him push me a little.

  16. I'm going to have to try the sweet potato chips! I am microwave challenged, so I may have to use the oven. Sounds great! I did something similar with carrots and I couldn't stop eating them--YUM YUM YUM!

  17. Wow, what a crazy start to your day!

    Awesome sweet potato recipe. I love quick and healthy snacks. I'll definitely be using this!

  18. Sometimes I will just leap out of bed and assume I'm running behind only to discover that is actually 4am... It's the worst.

  19. I can't believe they get crispy in the microwaves...need to try these asap!
    I hate when I'm late in the morning, or think I'm late even. I'm glad it didn't throw your whole day off.

  20. Those sweet potato chips looks great! can't believe you made them in the microwave!

  21. mmm...looks so delicious the pst below

  22. I've never made chips in the microwave! That is genius in its simplicity. Must try soon.

  23. I have to try this. I am sick of burning my SP chips in the oven!

  24. Wow that chips look amazing! I want one now!!

    Loved the alarm clock and time morning story, too cute! I would have been grateful to sleep one more hour too, LOL


  25. eeek what an exhausting morning! so glad you were on time in the end! and I loveeee that you made these via microwave, what a baller recipe!
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  26. Hi, Sarena - wow, another great and easy recipe! I'm sure glad I found you. :-) Anyhow, thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm going to add you as a link to my veggie-friendly list. Just fyi. Have a great week!

  27. 1. Microwave chips = brilliant idea

    2. Stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say hello to a fellow Atlantan! :)

  28. Sweet potato chips AND chili? Excuse me while I bow down to you. :)

  29. I had no idea you could microwave sweet potato chips :) yuuuumm!!!!!

  30. Those chips look amazing! So quick and easy too in the microwave!

  31. sweet potato chips in the microwave. you genius.

  32. I recently bought a bag of sweet potato chips and was disappointed when I read the ingredients and realized that sweet potatoes were only part of what makes up the chip. These sound much better!


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