
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Waffle Pizzas and Hemp Fudge!

Strange title, but fun meal!

Thank you for all of the kind words for the boys! It must have helped because both are better. Not completely done with the funk, but on their way for sure.

Tony and I were asked by them to please be at the video store this morning when it opened to rent a new game that is wanted by all today, so we were nice parents and did so. It is a game that all three of the boys play together (the only game Tony ever plays and he does it for bonding time) so it was an event tonight. We rented the game and then walked at the park. It was oddly beautiful today. Does it ever freak you out when the weather is prettier than it should be? It does me. The sun was bright and there was a slight breeze. It was beautiful!

Let's talk about the random leftovers in my fridge right now, well, the ones that were there before I went crazy. The random makings for more noodle soup, pasta sauce (on it's last leg), mushrooms (that needed to be used or were compost), Daiya cheese that I opened 8 days ago (that says to eat within 7...yeah, I live on the wild side) and well, I am sure there is more, but this is what I could see for now.

Have I mentioned that I have been craving pizza lately...

Have I mentioned how much I love of savory waffles???

Enter, waffle pizza!

Yep, I have officially lost my mind or discovered that you can make anything out of waffles!

My after dinner treat...

Yep, I walk on the wild side...again...hemp fudge!

I made it with the samples of Manitoba Vanilla Hemp Protein Powder I received (Thanks Manitoba!) and it was so good!  You would never know it is good for you!

When I do this kind of stuff with food, I question what most people will think of me. The boys think it's pretty awesome that I would put most of the things I do on waffles, but I think my mom would look at me like I am crazy.

Did your parents ever make strange foods for you as a kid to make eating more fun?


  1. I think the idea of waffle pizza is absolutely spectacular, and anyone that wouldn't is just plum crazy. Good for you!

  2. i think you're the coolest mom ever - my food was never this fun growing up! (sorry, mom!) haha. no hard feelings, though - that's probably why i spend so much time in the kitchen creating crazy things. i never remember my mom being a "slave away in the kitchen" kind of woman, though she made sure i ate my veggies. much to my dismay ;)

  3. So glad the boys are feeling better. Sounds like you had a nice evening. So glad the weather was great too. You are so creative with your leftovers. Very impressive!

  4. Waffle pizza!!! Hemp fudge!!!! You are wild girl! I like it :-)

  5. Glad the boys are better!!!

    Pizza looks great, I am not much of a waffle girl, more love pancakes ; )


  6. I've done the savory pancakes before- soooo good! Never thought to make waffle pizza, though! You're such a creative chick! :)

  7. Seriously... you need to write a pancake/waffle cookbook!!!

  8. You are the most creative cook I've ever met.

  9. I like it that you balance video games with a walk to the park. That's the way to do it!

    Waffle pizza = deliciousness. Brilliant.

  10. I wish my parents had made my food fun! They just made me sit at the table until I was finished :( Lima beans and peas was the worst!

    Waffle pizza is a good idea!

  11. Yum, what could be better than a waffle pizza? Genius. My mom thinks a lot of my food combinations are pretty gross. She even thinks my oatmeal combinations are on the wild side. :)

    Have a great day, lady!

  12. I don't know about strange foods, but my mom used to crush up all my medications with strawberry jam. It was the only way to get me to take them!

  13. Those mushrooms look amazing! I love big, juicy mushrooms on pizza. Don't know about the waffle part, though...:)

  14. Waffle pizza!!! I HAVE to try that!! I know a lot of people in the south like waffles with fried chicken and maple syrup LOL. You are such a cool mom!!

  15. What a great blog you have here! I love the idea of savory waffles. And waffle pizza? Never would have thought of it. My kids better watch out now.


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