Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Last night was indeed a sandwich night. We have really been working on everybody eating the same thing around here and I am so surprised at how well the kids are doing with this! Tony made egg salad for he and Jay...Max and I are not fans of the egg, I had an egg white sandwich with fresh baby spinach and mustard, and Max had a toasted turkey sandwich with baby spinach, mozzarella cheese and mustard. He was so stinkin' proud of himself for coming up with that combination on his own. I bet it was mighty tasty too! If nothing else, the kid has a future as a sandwich maker...nothing wrong with that, there is a skill to it and he's got it. We also roasted yukon gold and sweet potatoes since we can't get enough of oven roasted goodness (see below for details).

Speaking of eating and trying new things...the illustrator and I decided to buy a rutabaga on a whim the other day. We figured, the whole point of us eating seasonally is for us to get to know more season fruits and veggies. I had no plan for this...we just saw it and bought it.

I don't think I have ever had one before and if I did, it was not that memorable. However, after roasting this bad boy up, we were all fighting over him in the end (even Jay)! Besides tasting good...rutabagas are a good source of calcium (great for dairy free diet), vitamin B6, fiber and potassium! Hello new favorite food!

We had no idea what to expect with the flavor, so I asked on facebook what peoples' opinions were on the subject. I will warn you, that will get you nowhere. From my friends, it tastes anywhere from trash to a potato. I don't think it tastes like either. It definitely has the texture of a potato, with a slight sweet and bitter tone to it. I seasoned it with rosemary, Kosher salt, black pepper and a little bit of light olive oil. I roasted it with carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, apples and whole garlic cloves at 375 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes...complete heaven! I don't normally like the mixture of salty/sweet, but this absolutely complimented each other.

The boys had the same veggies with roasted chicken and they were actually fighting for my pan of vegetables. My pan did get crispier since there was no chicken. I topped my bowl with hemp seeds and it was a perfect meal! I am definitely channeling my inner Kelsey with all these roasted potatoes and vegetables! Next time I want to mash the rutabagas. That was the other suggestion I got on how to prepare them and now I am intrigued.

Tried any new foods lately? Have you tried rutabaga? If so, do you like it?

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posted by Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen @ 3:32 PM  
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Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen
Home: Atlanta, GA, United States
About Me: Lactose Challenged
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