
Monday, July 25, 2011

Pizza Party!

This week is going to be a mad dash for everything. We have orientations today along with parent meetings at the school. Then Jay starts school this yeah, crazy week ahead. I felt like last week was the  start of the craziness, so unfortunately I was away from my computer for a huge portion of the week. Then, we spent a ton of time on the lake and just hanging out as a family for our last weekend of summer break. For those that have asked, Jay is going to a school early, but system he gets 2 week fall breaks, 2 week winter breaks and a 2 week spring break along with other days off throughout the year, so, they start a little earlier, but get tons of time. Anyway, all this to say, I'm sorry for not really being responsive to all of you, but I will be when we get over the hump of this week. To tell you how crazy the week was, I only worked out twice and that is not like me at all! I need my workouts back! Anyway, I'm rolling with the punches right now and just trying to get the kids ready for the school year ahead.

So, how do you celebrate after a day on the lake? With pizza, of course! I had a blast cooking up tons of different concoctions.

I used Bob's Red Mill Pizza Dough for a BBQ pork and onion pizza...

and a veggie loaded pizza for the illustrator that apparently did not get photographed OOPS.

I used socca for a tomato and onion pizza for Max (he is so my kid!)...

and a veggie loaded pizza for me!

Green peppers, banana peppers, fresh tomato, onion and zucchini all on top of an thick socca crust!

I wanted something "cheesy" to go on my pizza. I had no hummus or a humnut sauce, but since I had chickpea flour, I decided to give it a try mixed with nutritional yeast. OH was so good! The mixture was smooth, creamy and a little tangy. I put it on the pizza before I baked it. Perfect topper for my veggies!

In the mix, 1 TBSP chickpea flour, 1 tsp nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and enough water to make a pourable mixture...YUM!

One corner got a little toasty...I love the burnt ends! I am must like my grandmother...I love toast on the dark side!


  1. Oh the pizza looks soo good! It makes me want to make pizza! But it's 215am here...hahah!

  2. way to go max, socca is my style too. Good luck this week! think about you guys.

  3. Everyone's homemade pizza always look so delicious!! Mine never look (or taste) that great. Wonder what I'm doing wrong??!

  4. I feel ya on the crazy week-- I hope yours goes smoothly!!!

  5. School starting THIS week?! Crazy! Some weeks everything just hits and it feels like you are just running around and herding cats!

  6. Love banana peppers on my pizzas. Yours looks so good.

  7. I hope that this week goes well, Sarena!! Good luck with the craziness!

    I love homemade pizza parties. So fun and delicious. :)

  8. Mmm - you just gave me SUCH a hankering for pizza! It all looks delicious!

  9. I am SO making this as soon as I'm home. Mmm pizza :)

  10. The pizzas look great -- and I too like things crispy. Jason always tells me I burn toast -- no I just like it really toasted!

    Good luck with all of the craziness this week!

  11. look at all of those awesome pizzas! :) we did this a lot last summer - making a bunch of dough and grilling them, letting everyone top their own. Mmm!

    I hope you get some well deserved me-time soon, complete with workouts! take care!

  12. love your creativity with the pizzas! That sauce sounds yummy :)

  13. we want to come over next time for pizza party!!! YUM socca pizza ;) xoxo

  14. I need to make the socca, it looks great and super easy! I've never tried it before


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