
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Times Are A Changing...

Life is definitely changing around here and I'm not just talking about Jay cutting his hair off. Yesterday was a great day for him. He is actually looking forward to today. Can you believe it...looking forward to school?!

My emotions are all over the place with him right now. He is getting so big! I went to hug him and realized that his shoulders almost meet mine! I hug him everyday, but all of a sudden, two days ago, I hugged him and he was up there with me...there was no bending down to get my arms around his body! His shoe size went up 2 sizes since Christmas! I never have a hard time with my birthdays, but realizing that I'm about to have a teenager is hitting me hard. He's my little man and he's getting all grown up on me!

To ease my mind today...I'm in the kitchen making lentil burgers. I'm thinking drink treat is in order too for the evening!


  1. He is getting so big! And I really do like the new cut still!

    But no worries. It really sounds like you've done a good job and have a great family to be proud of. :)

  2. aw! <3 <3 he looks like you! :)

    and that's great that he is actually looking forward to school!!

    big hugs to you!

  3. That pic is so cute!
    It's great that he looks forward to school, but is it really school already?! It's not even August!

  4. Sarena this is such a sweet post!

    And I just saw on Facebook that your cookie was one of the top 5 Better Homes and Garden cookies picked! Congrats!

  5. He looks so much like you! If it's any consolation, you could def pass for his college-aged big sis. :)

  6. He is too cute!! It is scary how fast time flies :)

    Lentil burgers and a drink treat are definitely in order :)

  7. Cute picture of you guys together! Enjoy your lentil burgers this evening. Have a good one!

  8. this is so sweet! I am so glad these changes are bring such good times.

  9. he looks so handsome, and so grown up!

    hang in there mama :) it's got to be so...beautiful and full of big emotions for you!

  10. You guys look so alike! Even if Max eats like you, this kid is definitely yours as well :)

  11. how time does fly, kids grow up so fast. my niece is growing up too fast

    love the picture of you two! proud momma :)

  12. He's growing into a young man! Very exciting for you Serena. Hope his day went well!

  13. I totally know what you mean. My guy is getting so big, too. It makes me so sad (even though I'm so proud!).
    Gosh, he looks so much like you!

  14. He's definitely looking more and more like a teenager in every picture! Both your boys seem like such wonderful kids and they are definitely lucky to have such fantastic parents! Even if I didn't always appreciate it when I was younger not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for growing up with such an amazing family and I'm sure your boys will feel the same way!

  15. Your barely old enough to have a teenager!! You could be his big sister by how young you look :)

  16. I agree, VERY VERY handsome young man. I can't wait until he starts saying "mom, why so short?" ..
    more like-
    "son, why SO TALL!!?" haha

    btw, you look super tanned- very gorgeous!


  17. He's still your boy, Sarena. It's obvious from that photo of you two together. :-) How exciting that he's looking forward to school!


  18. Oh my heart ached! I know EXACTLY how u are feeling! Anthony is growing up SO fast too! He will be in 6th grade this year! I miss when he was so little , they grow up so fast, but they will always be our babies!!

  19. Aw Jay is just too adorable! I remember around that age when I started liking school too :)

    Love that you're such a proud Mama :)


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