
Monday, August 29, 2011

Cardio Party!

While my cooking and baking have been a little on the "less than exciting side"(I'm not really sure how many salads with over easy eggs I can show you before I bore you to death), my workouts have been tons of fun. I should start out by saying that working out is NEVER a chore for me. I am the girl that would walk know, for the exercise. When FitTv went down the tubes, I decided to branch out and try some new things. I got some great suggestions from readers, but I wanted to try more. So, I looked on Amazon (it's cheaper) and started collecting some new stuff. The one I want to talk about today is...

Exercise Tv's Star Trainers Cardio. This video is actually a lot of fun. There are 5 different trainers that take you through 5 different 30 minute workouts. Some are more dance inspired and some are a great mix of cardio and muscle toning. I have to suggest, when you order videos, read the reviews! I did, so when the trainers pause to promote a "Propel" water break, I was not annoyed or surprised. In fact, I took a little water break.

Rob Glick does a really fun cardio party workout to start with. He is fun to listen to and he walks you through three segments of dance that he then puts together in the end. I love this one.

I love Violet Zaki! She does a martial arts inspired workout that gets your booty. The woman loves squats!

Gay Gasper is really fun. Her cardio espresso (I love my coffee!) is a lot of fun and gets your heart going!

Kimberly Spreen put together a really fun high energy workout. She takes your heart rate up and then brings it down while your working on toning. I love this mix!

Kendell Hogan is one of my favorite trainers! He has such an upbeat attitude and his moves are fun. He walks you through each move and really helps you get it before you move on...all while keeping your heart rate up!

These workouts are not hard core cardio junkie workouts (which I like too), but they are fun. I took dance until I was a sophomore in high school, so I love the dance inspired moves. There are no annoying negative comments and all the trainers are super supportive, encouraging and easy to follow. I would definitely recommend this video to anyone looking to have a little fun with their workout!

Have you found any new workouts you love?


  1.'s the more dance-like workouts that get me so confused i wind up in a heap on the floor! lol. i try to keep up but i just can't. even kendall hogan was too much for i stick to body rock :P i think i've said this before to you, though. videos are hard to get past at first, but once you do they're a great workout :]

    thanks for sharing, though! i'm always up for something new!

  2. i've never seen these! but I love amazon. I should check out more. I always buy my yoga dvds from there. Hope all is well friend!

  3. I'm slowly getting back into my dvd library of workouts. It's still a little weird to do them in front of my roommate, but at least one that is mostly free weights isn't so bad as I workout, she eats breakfast, and we have a conversation about the night before... lol

    And yes- since my move, I've been walking EVERYWHERE. If the destination is less than 2 miles, I'm down to stroll.

  4. I don't have any good recommendations...but I've been looking for some ideas, so thank you!
    I love the non-intense positive workouts...not too long, not too serious :)

  5. I'll have to look into these! I always fall back on my Jillian and Jackie Warner workouts when I'm not running or at the gym!

  6. I think your egg over salad pictures are pretty genius!

    I've done the Core Fusion dvd recently. It looks like it'll be easy because you use really light weights but it's hard! This isn't a DVD, but I've been doing a lot of the workouts from the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. I love it.

  7. I've tried a Violet Zaki workout before -- I liked her personality and her workout was tough!

  8. I just started running and love it! I had to start out super slow and build my way up, but now I can run 1/4 mile at a time without feeling like I'm going to collapse -- it's pretty fantastic!

  9. Thanks so much for the review, Sarena! I love at-home workouts and will definitely check these videos out!

  10. These found fun! Core Fusion Cardio just came out. I haven't bought it yet, but it's on my list.

  11. I have that DVD and it's really a good one. There is only one that I don't care much for. I did realize that I like Kendall Hogan's workouts though. He has some good bootcamp workouts that I did from OnDemand. (and I've been missing your posts, I can't open them at work darn it)

  12. love Amazon, I think I am on there buying things more than I should be

  13. I've been dying to try a cardio DVD. I actually really want to try a cardio dance DVD (so I can make a fool of myself in my own living room versus in public! haha)

  14. I absolutely love spin and kickboxing to break up my running routine.

  15. I love the idea of one workout incorporating multiple trainers. I have a really short attention span so things like that are good for me :D

  16. hmm i did find sort of a new workout but i have yet to try it- aerial yoga. it sounds like a lot of fun!

    xoxo <3

  17. I really need some inspiration in the workout department. I was thinking about getting a video now that it's getting a bit colder outside (for days I don't want to leave my house!) Thanks for the tips!


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