
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deconstructed Dipping!

I want to start off with saying how much I love all of you! Seriously, you always say the nicest things and thanks to all of you, I was in the top 5 for the Better Homes and Gardens state cookie contest! I won a bake set and I'm really happy about that since I love the pan so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your kind words and support!

How in the world has the time gone so fast? I feel like I completely missed August 1st! The days are really just flying by. Does anyone else feel that way or is it just me? We started the weekend with a trip to DCI in Murfreesboro, TN. For those of you that were not band geeks, its Drum Corps International. My inner band geek totally came out for this one. I have to say, as a former clarinet player though, I really think something was missing from the the woodwinds! It was a completely different experience for me. I've never been to a show like that where I wasn't performing. I loved the streak of freak that really shined through too. Seriously, they really punked up the shows and it was fun to watch. I'm against the recorded music they had going on, but all in all, it was a fun show and it was great to go with the family! Jay and his cousin are in band, so it was a great experience for them since they will be marching next year.

 I love his face!

 Can you tell how hot and muggy is was? Jay's hair is a frizzy mess and Max's hawk is hurting!

The most fun thing I ate this past weekend was definitely peanut butter dip. This came from the need to use up the last of the Unsweetened Silk Pure Almond Milk (love that creamy and smooth) and the want to dip. Do you ever just want to eat something strange and fun?

Well, I do. I had a few left over gluten free pancakes (I will share that recipe soon...I want to try it one more time), but I really wanted to eat my pancakes in a deconstructed way. It's funny because I don't normally like to eat with my hands, but when I eat pancakes, I like them dipped! 

This peanut butter dip is flecked with flax to thicken it up and sweetened with a little bit of vanilla stevia. It is smooth and creamy...perfect for dipping pancakes...

These pancakes were almost perfect. So close...

Then I started dipping some strawberries...some blueberries also went swimming at the end of this bowl. Nothing was safe from the peanut buttery goodness!

This would be a perfect sauce too. I'm definitely looking forward to making this one again.

Peanut Butter Dip
(makes 1 cup)

1 cup almond milk (I used Silk Pure Almond Milk Unsweetened)
1 TBSP flax meal
1/4 cup peanut flour
10 drops NuNaturals vanilla stevia (or brown sugar)

Combine the almond milk and the flax meal in a microwavable bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes. Stir and microwave another 2 minutes. Watch it so it doesn't boil over. Next whisk in the remaining ingredients and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. 

I'm sharing this on Simply Sugar and Gluten Free's Slightly Indulgent Tuesday.


  1. Oh my gosh! I went to the DCI one year with my grandparents. It's really cool! Have a great day Sarena!

  2. That dip looks awesome. What could you use if you didn't have peanut flour? Can't find it here apparently.

  3. Sarena this is amazing! I have some peanut flour I'm going to use to make this!

  4. Wow, that looks delicious! We would love that on our pancakes as well, we eat them all the time!

  5. The dip sounds delicious and I actually have some TJs peanut flour left -- this seems like a good way to use it up!

    Your boys are adorable!

  6. Yep- I'd so just pour that over pancakes...

    Congrats, btw!

  7. The DCI sounds super fun! Glad that you guys got to enjoy it. :)

    Thanks for the awesome peanut dip recipe. I'm all for all things peanut. :)

  8. oh yes, I am all abour deconstructive dipping, especially with peanut butter!

  9. I could never ever make that dip. It would never make it past the kitchen because I'd eat it with a spoon! Mmmmmmm.......

  10. Your peanut butter dip looks even better than maple syrup. :)

  11. Jason was in drum corps for many years (I love to watch him drum - I want a marching snare of my own, I'd totally walk up and down our street with it!) :) we went to a DCI Championship a few years back - I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, I LOVED IT! honestly that is my one regret, if I could do it all over I would definitely be in marching band - playing drums.

    congrats on top 5! <3

  12. I heard that they don't sell peanut flour anymore. Bummer, this dip looks good.

    Congrats on the top 5! Peach cookies sound amazing.

  13. Oh goodness, I need a swimming pool full of that dip! YUM :)

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  15. Oh my gosh - peanut butter dip!?!? THAT IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA!!! I need to make this!

  16. love the pics of you guys!!!

    and we enjoyed some pancakes today :)


  17. Yay! Congratulations on placing in the contest! I still need to try out that recipe! They look fantastic!

    LOVE this dip idea! I am a total dipper and I'm always up for a chance to eat with my hands! Haha!

    "...blueberries also went swimming at the end of this bowl. Nothing was safe from the peanut buttery goodness!" <- Hahaha! Love it!


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