
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Quick Chili Pie and Coconut Pudding!

Thank you all for your words of encouragement from my last post. It's a crazy week (life), but we will get through this together!

So, we were talking about easy eats last, well this one was super fast and so tasty!

I've definitely become better at throwing things together and hoping for the best. This is definitely one of those times. I had some chili kicking around in the freezer, so I mixed up a little cornbread topping (also known as my johnnycake batter plus 2 TBSP brown rice flour - add a little extra water if needed) and baked it off. I put enough chili in an 8x8 baking dish to fill it halfway. Then I poured the batter on top and baked it for 20 to 25 minutes at 400 degrees. This was a home cooked meal that came together in 30 minutes. You can't beat that! I melted a little Daiya on top and then garnished the whole thing with fresh cilantro. Dinner served! Thank you mister freezer man for keeping good eats for me when I have no time.

Now for treats...

Coconut pudding definitely takes a little extra time, but it's so worth it!

Thick, creamy, coconutty and so comforting!


  1. Just read your last post. I don't know what's going on, but my thoughts are with you :)

  2. The coconut pudding looks delicious!

    Hope everything gets back to normal soon. you are in my thoughts :)

  3. The chili pie looks like an upgrade on the frito pies I used to eat sometimes as a kid... and as a college student... lol

  4. Mmm that chili pie looks incredible. I just want to dive head first into that bowl!

  5. Sarena I just read your last post -- sorry you are feeling run down and all over the place! I hope things slow down a bit for you.

  6. I missed your last post - but I am thinking of you and I really hope things start to sort themselves out and your mind can ease up for a bit :) I totally understand the "twenty different directions" thing!

    Now for the food - I could SO take some of that chili pie and coconut pudding off of your hands! Looks fabulous - as always ;)

  7. Going through a move and the boys getting back in the groove of school... I definitely don't envy you! Although, I DO envy that coconut pudding...

  8. we are a little behind in blog reading, but thinking of you, always :)

    pure2raw twins

  9. Wow that coconut pudding looks so awesome and the chili pie looks so delicious!!

  10. I've been missing chili with the summer heat. I actually have some in the freezer too. Really itching to pull it out ;-) Take care my dear!

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