
Monday, September 26, 2011

Gluten Free Individual Lemon Pound Cakes

So, Max gave his speech on Friday, but unfortunately is not the President of the student body this year. He's a champ though and never let them see him sweat! I don't know where he gets his nerve from? I was so proud of him for doing all of this though. It was definitely a great life lesson!

As for this weekend...we had more life lessons to learn. Like the lesson that you don't get to go out and play until you clean up your room. Yeah, I hated that one too this weekend! We finally got everything put away this weekend from all the moving around we did this summer. I did not think it would EVER end! It did! I seriously thought that mountain of laundry would beat me. Not to say there isn't more  in the laundry room that needs to be dealt with, but at least the mess in the rooms is cleaned up! Oh, and if you're counting, I got the bathrooms cleaned too! That was a bonus cleaning!

So, with Saturday spent in the house cleaning, I decided Sunday was going to be a cooking day! I was in heaven. I didn't rush or stress over anything. It felt amazing to be back in my kitchen creating again!

This is a revised version of the "almost there" vanilla cupcakes I used for the smore's cupcakes. I decided to make jumbo muffin sized lemon pound cakes. This is a winner!

I used soy free Earth Balance and Silk Coconut Milk to give the cakes a firm, yet moist buttery crumb.

The glaze was a simple mixture of fresh lemon juice, zest, powder sugar and little bit of water. 

It was thick, creamy, sweet and tart. 

Now that I've found my base pound cake recipe, I'm going to LOVE playing around with this!

Gluten Free Lemon Pound Cakes
(makes 5 jumbo muffins, *10 regular muffins or a **regular loaf pan)

3/4 cup sugar
1 dropper NuNaturals vanilla stevia or 2 TBSP sugar
1/2 cup soy free earth balance

3/4 cup gluten free AP flour (I used Bob's Red Mill)
3/4 cup brown rice flour (I used Bob's Red Mill)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs (or your choice of egg substitute)
3/4 cup coconut milk (I used Silk)
1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 TBSP fresh lemon zest

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray oil into muffin cups.

In a mixing bowl, blend the sugar, stevia and earth balance until mixed well and fluffy. Combine the flours through salt together in a bowl. Add the eggs to the butter mixture and mix well. Next add the dry ingredients and mix well. Now, slowly pour the milk and lemon juice into the sugar mixture. Mix in the lemon zest until blended. Evenly distribute the batter into 5 jumbo cupcake cups and bake for 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool 5 minutes in pan and then remove. Glaze while still warm.

*20-25 minutes for regular muffins
**30-45 minutes for loaf pan

Lemon Glaze

1 1/2 cup powder sugar
juice from half a lemon
1 tsp lemon zest
drops of water as needed

Combine the sugar, lemon juice and zest. Mix well and add drops of water as needed. Pour over warm cake.

I'm sharing these on Slightly Indulgent Tuesday


  1. Those are adorable! I am a sucker for lemon desserts, I bet they'd be great with orange too.

  2. I saw your post on facebook and was WAITING for this recipe :-) These look phenomenal!

  3. pound cakes are one of my favorites. I can almost taste these - they look perfect!

    glad you got a fun 'play day' and are getting settled - hope it's a fantastic week! xo

  4. Awwwwww....what a great kid. Good for Max for trying!!
    I love, love, love lemon desserts (especially frosting). These look great!

  5. Nothin' says lovin' like a pound cake. The bakery near me makes an incredible chocolate gluten-free + vegan pound cake. I don't even care that it tastes a little starchy because it's so rich. I need to figure out that recipe asap.

  6. Ooooh...those lessons are tough! I did the "no fun till I cleaned thing" on Friday, and it really was tough, but I was so glad when it was done!
    The pound cakes look super yummy :)

  7. Oh my heavenly goodness, those look AMAZING Sarena.

    Sorry to hear that Max didn't win, but he'll get them next time!

  8. Sarena, I love you! Individual pound cakes are brilliant! Definitely more than reasonable compensation for those darn life lessons. ;-)


  9. Bummer he didn't get President but kudos to him for going for it. That's awesome! And those pound cakes...I'm drooling. LOVE lemon. I need to implement the can't go have fun until I clean the house rule....

  10. i hate doing laundry, currently doing some today after all my traveling lately

    and nothing beats baking all day :)
    love lemon, these are high on my list to make!!


  11. that icing looks incredible. so yummy!!!

  12. I'm so bummed, we are moving so I just had to give away all of my GF baking supplies!! These look amazing!

  13. ah bummer, I was hoping max would win! he's just so cute. I'd vote for him. I know I am bias. Thanks for this recipe. My husband will be pleaseed!

  14. gorgeous pound cakes!!! I wonder if my dad would enjoy these- he likes lemon sometimes in baked goods!!

    either way, they are gorgeous and I will have to make them for myself soon!! :D

  15. Oh, these mini-cakes look amazing. I can hardly wait to try them! Sigh, no time today, adding your recipe to the top of my Must-Make list Thanks for sharing!

  16. just saw HEAB link these...they look so good. Missed them the first time around.

    I want to do more GF baking but have never had great luck with the GF flour blends (always gritty and just 'off' tasting)...I guess you love the Bob's. I need to try it again, eh?

  17. I am curious what the soy free earth balance is. I clicked on the link you provided, but it didn't specify what product you were using. I would love to make these, but need to know which product you used. Was it the shortening, the "butter", the milk?

  18. Hi, Hoping to make these for a cocktail/dessert party. What is the soy free earth balance? A milk substitute? Shortening?

    Also, are these ok to make a day ahead of time or are they best when served the day they are baked?

    Thanks for your help.

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