
Monday, September 12, 2011

More Socca Love...

This weekend was kind of a blur. It went way too fast for my liking...

Friday night is our easy dinner and a movie night. It's become a tradition to do finger foods while watching a movie every Friday. I love doing fun stuff like that with the boys, it creates such great memories and gives us all something to look forward to at the end of the week. We had left over roasted pork loin with onions and peppers in the fridge so we pulled out some cheeses for the boys and I baked off some socca for crackers.

This was perfect to cut in pieces for our easy eats. I tripled my recipe, sprinkled a little kosher salt on top and baked it in a 13x9 pan for 15 minutes. I had a huge grilled salad with peppers, corn, squash and fresh salsa to serve on top of my socca.

I'm looking forward to fall, but summer is not over yet! I love my movie night and easy eats with my boys on Friday nights!

Saturday, we went for an adventure...Waffle House. The boys had never been. How horrible are we as parents...wait, don't answer that. Although in my defense, the prime time for Waffle House is after having a few too many drinks and who knew it was open during the middle of the day? As for the meal, I did not take pictures, but I was impressed with how accommodating they were with food restrictions. They cleaned the griddle (I actually saw them do it) to cook my hash browns. I had two poached eggs with steamed hash browns and sliced tomatoes. It was really good, I did not walk away feeling gross from a ton of grease and it was clean food (by clean, I mean not contaminated). Same for Tony, no wheat contamination. I was actually really impressed! Make sure you tell them your food restrictions. They were happy to help us out.

Now Sunday was really perfect. We had a lunch date with our friends at Mellow Mushroom. They now serve Daiya there and have gluten free crust for Tony. Strangely, I was not in the mood for pizza. I really wanted a salad with hummus. So, that's what I had. Again, no pictures, but it was a great meal with great friends. The weather was so nice that we ended up heading to the Starbucks around the corner for coffee with them. We ended up sitting outside until almost 5:00pm. It was so nice catching up after being away for so long! With the weather and the conversation, I could have stayed there for a few more hours! Sadly, all good things must come to an end. With work, laundry and homework waiting for us when we got home, we had to end the beautiful day. Oddly, guess what I was craving by the time I got I ended up making another pan of socca! Help, I have an addition! I was too impatient and hungry to wait for pizza, so I had it with an over easy egg and salsa. It was perfectly crispy and delicious!

This was made with 3/4 cup chickpea flour and baked in a 9 in cake pan. I don't know if I love the flavor or the ease in making this so much. Either way, I'm head over heals in love with socca!

The only downer to the weekend is that the internet has been in and out. I would say that would make it easy to disconnect, but I really needed to spend more time watching some webinars. I got a few in, but they kept going in and out. I just hate the frustration of when you need to be doing something and you can't. Oh well, I guess I will have to deal with that problem later today. I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. dont you hate up and down internet! ours does that too. I have to unplug, wait, get the green light, plug back exercise in patience some days!

  2. Ahahaha... the primie time for Waffle House really IS after a few drinks. I don't think I've actually been there during normal dining hours... strange!

  3. i guess that means more time at starbucks using the internet, right?

    so glad you were able to connect with friends this weekend. And the waffle house is a must for a child. But its still over-rated. haha.

  4. I keep looking for chickpea flour at YDFM but they are always out!

    I love Mellow Mushroom's salads. I almost always get the Greek.

  5. We've never taken Colin to Waffle House either! But in my defense, he's not much of a breakfast person. :)

  6. Oh my gosh, I haven't been to a Waffle House in forever. Definitely reminds me of college :-)

    Socca is SO easy to get addicted to...

  7. I haven't made socca in a few weeks (since I made it for my sister the last time she was here). I've had it on my mind though so maybe this is a sign i need to make it ;-)

    I had to laugh at the thought of Waffle House being open in the day.

  8. Sounds like a good weekend---lots of quality time with the quality people in your life. I'm a socca lover too---and I too, do not know if it's the taste or the convenience/process!
    I've never actually been to waffle house, but it's great to know they are accommodating if I ever need to choose a place where that's an option (we don't have them here).

  9. I've only been to a Waffle House once -- we don't have them up here in MN! That is great that they were accommodating to you and Tony.

    Too bad about the internet -- we've had some issues off and on and they are so frustrating!

  10. Your glowing reviews are making me consider giving socca another try. Do you think that using pure garbanzo flour gives a dramatic taste difference in comparison to garfava flour as that is what I tried last time...

  11. I know I've never been to Waffle House before midnight... ;)

    I was just thinking about socca the other day... I miss it, need to make some soon!

  12. hate when I do not have internet, although hate that I rely on it so much

    but sometimes it forces me to do other things


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