
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Open Face Fried Okra Omelet

Do you ever just cook things for others? I love doing just that. Even if the smell is repulsive to me. There are few vegetables that I don't like, but okra is one of them. I have childhood memories of being forced to eat it and I am forever scarred or I just don't like it...either way, the only way I can eat it is hidden in gumbo, but other than that...forget about it. However, my boys (all three of them) love fried okra.

We made the mistake of going over board with buying okra at the farmer's market recently. By over board, I mean 6 pounds! That was way too much for normal consumption. So, I fried up some for the boys.  I keep it simple when I fry up okra. I just cut up the okra, sprinkle a little masa harina (corn flour) on it - just enough to coat it-, some salt and pepper. Then I heat a little oil in a skillet and fry the okra until golden brown.

Now, the bad part about having too much is that leftovers aren't as crispy. So, what to omelet! Really that's the answer to all leftovers if you ask me.

This beast was for 2 super hungry boys, so I used 5 eggs mixed with a little water, as much okra as it would hold and some fresh corn cut off the cob.

I cooked the omelet until set on one side and then finished it off under the broiler to crisp things off on the top. The boys loved it!

Do you have a vegetable you just don't like? Is it based on a childhood memory or do you just not like it? I don't like avocados (texture and taste...just gross), okra (it's too slimy!) and fennel (tastes too much like licorice). I can't think of any more that I just can't stand. Oh, canned peas...heck no! They are just gross. So, do you cook things for others knowing you won't eat it? You know I do!


  1. I can't do tomato slices. I like marinara, but bruschetta or anything super chunky weirds me out (texture thing).

    I'm trying to think if I've ever had okra? Maybe in something, but I cannot think of a time of eating it on its own.

  2. I love cooking for others too, even if it's food I don't like. The point is to make them happy and leave a smile on their face!

    I also love the idea of an open-face omelet because I kind of suck at getting the omelet-pocket-thing going!

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. Girl, you're better than me. You won't catch me cooking meat or anything like that for others. And I can't stand okra either. I used to hate hate hate bell peppers then I discovered that I liked red, orange or yellow and will do green only if cooked really well. I still can't do cucumbers though.

  4. This looks good!
    I'm not a fan of okra either...other than that, probably green peppers are the only thing I don't really enjoy. One time they gave me heartburn, and now I just don't ever want them!

  5. That looks pretty fancy for repurposed leftovers! I love fried okra. Dislikes - raw tomatoes, eggplant, and I also don't like fennel. I love licorice but for some reason don't care for fennel.

  6. I've never cared for oka, but I once had it in an Indian curry and it was delicious. I don't know what happened to the slime – maybe it slithered off into the sauce. Delicious.

    You're definitely better than me. I don't cook anything I won't eat – it's just hubs and I so we eat the same meals. And, like Heather, I would never be able to cook meat for someone. I don't even allow visitors to cook it.

  7. Don't like okra?!? Gasp!!!! I love it! Especially in fried form :-)

  8. Mmm this omelet looks great! I love okra but hate celery and canned veggies (aside from beets). I do cook food for others that I wouldn't eat...its fun. :)

  9. I don't like okra -- I've only had it a few times but I could not get over the slime factor.

    I hate lima beans and peas -- probably from being fed them when I was a kid. We had them with dinner almost every night!

  10. I had to laugh at this. My mother, who is the healthiest eater I know, could never stand okra so she just would never make it. It was, I think, the only vegetable she did not serve us growing up. Now I just never even think to make it because it was just engrained in my mind that it must not be good if my Mom did not like it. But an omelet may be just the way to try it out! LOL

  11. Hi Sarena
    My son loves okra, it is one of the things during the summertime when it is in season that he begs me to buy and make, which I always think is cool as this is not usual for most 9 yo boys! I like okra too, grew up eating it stewed with onions and garlic + lemon juice to cut the slimeness.
    But have you ever tried roasted okra?? It is delicious! I made it for the first time a couple years ago and we loved it! You simply wash and dry your okra pods, cut off the top (if you want to), season with salt + pepper + olive oil and into a 400F oven they go. Roast for about 20 minutes flipping them half way through. They turn out almost crispy on the outside but are still soft inside. Some people even call them "okra fries".
    They are really delicious and there is no slime, you don't feel it and don't need to touch slime as you don't even need to cut them up.
    Okra is also yummy grilled, they turn out about the same way as roasted. Use double skewers (one on each end of the okra pods) so it is easy to flip them, season with salt/pepper/olive oil (my seasoning of choice for everything savory) and grill them. They do turn out good that way too!
    I don't comment much but I read all your posts and really like your blog! Your recipes and ideas are great (I love the coconut cream made with coconut flour, so good!), and I certainly can relate to you as a mom having a 9yo boy myself.

  12. I agree, most leftovers can be made into an omelet!! :)

    I haven't had much okra - it's funny, Jason and I were just talking about it the other night... I said I was going to get some and ... I don't know what I'll do with it!

  13. I am anti-pea! They're mushy and gross. But it may just be the canned thing because I like snow pea pods and English peas always look beautiful on the plate.

  14. It seems I'm having quite the okra filled week! People have either been asking me about it or making recipes with it. Funny thing, I've NEVER had it. I need to give it a try. I'm always trying to search for omelet recipes. We have a standard omelet recipe but it gets to be boring after awhile, you know? Any poodles, I'm babbling. Long story short - gotta make this. And yes, I love making food for others too! Nothing like sharing food with the ones you love.

  15. i'm not that into okra but when it's deep fried i dig it

  16. I've never had okra. It's hard to find here or at least where I shop.
    I HATE onions. They make me sick. I'm not allergic to them, but my stomach gets upset every time I eat them. Not that I go out of my way to eat them, but sometimes they sneak their way into my food when I'm not looking.

  17. LOVE okra! But well, you knew that already! ;) I keep saying I'm going to try out a few recipes and I'd love to try frying it, but I can't seem to help myself from polishing it all off before it every even thinks of getting near heat! Haha!

    6 pounds?! Wow, that IS a lot! But what a great idea to put the leftovers to good use! I love cooking for people and then seeing their faces as they enjoy that first bite!

    I think the only veggie I don't really like is frisse (sp?)...that curly lettuce stuff that's really bitter. Ick! Oh, and I hate canned green beans! :-/

  18. I love okra but fresh okra is impossible to find up here :( This is such a great sounding way to enjoy the leftover fried okra... Drooling!!


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