Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Case Study Complete, Now We Wait...
Well, I finished the course...

It is the weirdest feeling to complete something that you work so hard for and then wait...

I shut down completely yesterday and focused completely on my case study. I think it kind of freaked Tony out since he kept checking on me. I was so quiet and focused. I had to give it everything I had and I really think I did.

Now I have to get my CPR/AED certification. I had no idea it was so expensive. Yes, I'm cheap and while I have no problem putting money towards my education, when it comes down to spending $100 for a one day study, that kind of overwhelms me. I have no choice though or I don't get my certification. So, I have to suck it up and pay the price!

All of this kind of led me to thinking about something today. When I finally finished my case study and pushed the send button, I realized that I have one of the most important parts of the reason I want to help others with nutrition and health...I have you guys, an incredible support system.

I'm bringing this up because I really do believe that having people around you to support you in your path is so important for success. Negativity will only hold us back and I am so guilty of letting people that don't support me make me believe that I am less than I am or that I don't deserve great things. I realize now that I am worth it and I while I may not be perfect and things may not come out as planned, at least I tried and learned along the way.

Over the past year, I have learned so much about people. I have met some amazing people (online and in person) and (luckily) I already knew some amazing people. Being another year older and hopefully wiser, I am going to focus on surrounding myself with these good people. I've had enough thinking about the bad people and wishing they were more or allowing them to control my thoughts. It's a waste of time and energy for me. Thank you to all of you that stand by me and support me. You really do make a difference!

Now it's time to work on a business plan...

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posted by Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen @ 6:30 AM  
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Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen
Home: Atlanta, GA, United States
About Me: Lactose Challenged
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