
Friday, February 17, 2012

11 Random Things Times 2

*** I have no idea why my site is not right, but I'm looking into it.

Things are about to change around here for me soon and I'm really excited! More time to cook and bake, as well as more time to work! For now though, since there was not a whole lot of baking or cooking going on and I was tagged two more times by Jessica and Christin for 11 random things, I figured I would share my answers with you for some Friday Fun Facts. If you want my first random post, you can find it here.

Rules 1. Post these rules. 2. You must post 11 random things about yourself. 3. Answer the questions the person who tagged you set for you in their post. 4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer. 5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them. 6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Since this is my second time around, I won't tag people (I'm a rule breaker and most bloggers have done this already), but give me some random stuff on you! I've really enjoyed reading about others with these random posts.  

Jessica's Questions
1. Why did you start blogging? I wanted to share my experiences with going dairy free in hopes of connecting with others to help them too. Definitely a support system. Honestly, I have found an incredible support system in bloggers and am so thankful Tony talked me into it!

2. What is one food you could NEVER live without? Oatmeal! I HAVE to have my oats!

3. What’s your biggest fear? Losing Tony and the boys. They are my world and it would end without them.

4. Name 3 things always in your purse. Phone, wallet and chapstick

5. Favorite flower. Gerber Daisy

6. Favorite ethnic food. Mexican. I love pico!

7. 3 bloggers you would love to meet in person. That is so hard! I have too many! Honestly, any one that comments here regularly are considered great friends of mine and I want to meet them all. My list is way more than three!

8. Something we would never know about you. This will not be happy, but I'm going to share it since I think it's important for others to know they aren't alone and I've been thinking about it a lot lately as I read about it happening to others. Tony and I had a hard time having a baby after we had Jay. I miscarried twice between Jay and Max. Once at 12 weeks pregnant and once at 6 weeks pregnant. This was one of the most mentally crippling times in our lives. I, at the time, had no idea this could happen and I felt so alone (as a woman, not from Tony). Since then, while I stay pretty private about it, I feel like it's important to share. It brings back horrible feelings and I will never forget the babies that could have been, but I know there are others that experience these same feelings and they aren't alone. I, luckily, had an incredible doctor that tested my hormones to find that I had no progesterone to sustain a pregnancy. Now we have Max!

9. If you could spend 1 month anywhere where would it be. Greece. I want to go so badly and see where my great grandparents are from!

10. If you could name a nail polish color, what color would it be, and what would you name it? Black and I would call it Rockstar since that's how I feel when I paint my nails black...that reminds me, I need to make time to paint my nails.

11. Favorite recipe you have found on someone else’s blog? Anything Heather cooks. She makes me hungry every time I read about her meals.

Christin's Questions
1. Do you remember your dreams?  Not normally. Unless, it's bad and oddly, I remember that it's bad, but not really the details. It's always weird to wake up with a feeling of fear or anger and not know why.

2. When did you last laugh?  Last night! I live with three boys! I laugh all the time. There are so many fart and "that's what she said" jokes going on regularly. Seriously, my life is a comedy act!

3. What band/album are you most smitten with right now?  That's so hard because I don't really keep up with the latest trends on anything. Adele is probably the one that I can listen to over and over that's a newer album. I refer to Melissa for most of my new music. As for anything older, I'm a huge Sarah McLachlan fan. I also love Mumford and Sons, Dido, Iron and Wine and Damien Rice if I am feeling really sad. My music is really all over the place. We listen to a lot of Journey, Queen, Red Hot Chilie Peppers, oh and the sound track to The Fountain is my zen music. If you need some good relaxing music, listen to that album.

4. What would you do first if you won the lottery? Buy a farm and live off the land in a modern cabin that Tony and I have designed. Then save for the kids' college and travel EVERYWHERE when they are out of the house!

5. What is the last book you read? I'm reading The Help and love it. I've seen the movie, but I wanted to know more about the characters. Does my Nutrition Course Book Count? Oh and I'm currently reading my Personal Training Course Book. Yeah, I'm all over the place with reading too...

6. What is the closest item to your left hand right now (other than your keyboard)? My iPhone

7. Who is your favorite comedian? I would say Bill Cosby. I have Bill Cosby Himself in our Netflix Queue now to show the boys. I remember watching that as a kid and loving it!

8. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have a four leaf clover on my right ankle. I am definitely getting another one on my wrist this year! It's in the plan!

9. Do you like your middle name? Originally, Killette.

10. What is your favorite animal? Cats for home, cows otherwise. They just have the sweetest faces and I love how their heads bob up and down when they walk.

11. What is the worst food you’ve ever eaten? Well, last night I made an oatmeal and protein powder concoction that was like concrete. That was unpleasant. I would probably say the worst was liver though. It smells and taste awful.

Ok, enough about me! Now you answer some!

Have a great Friday!

***Don't forget to enter the Planters Peanut Give Away!


  1. Fun! Have you ever done one of these??? And thank you for sharing about the miscarriages. I can't imagine. Love Dido, just an amazing voice.

  2. I think it's cute you say cows... I grew up with them and they may look sweet, but they scare the crap out of me! Very unpredictable creatures...

    Happy weekend, Sarena!!!

  3. Killette, that's badass! And I too love cows and their sweet faces and dopey eyes. Cow kisses are creepy but cute too with their stiff-ass tongues. Cows <3!

  4. Oh and by the way, I'm leaving this comment FROM WORK! Dunno what you did, but your site is working for me! :)

  5. I always wondered if you were Greek! That may be my favorite nationality... Greeks have such beautiful faces, clothing, names, ideology - everything!

    Killette?! Your middle name?! That's gorgeous too.

    Why a four-leaf clover tat? Are you Greek-Irish?!

  6. Greece!! OMG, wouldn't that be amazing?
    Happy Friday!

  7. Love me some Damien Rice when I'm feeling blue!

    so sorry about the miscarriage, but just think, you might not have your precious Max. I know it all worked out in the end, but it must have been so hard. Honestly, I can't even imagine. I never knew how common miscarriages were until my friends started having babies. With both pregnancies, I was so happy to get past that first trimester mark - always so paranoid up until then.

  8. Love these lists---it's like getting a better snapshot into a virtual friend's life!

  9. OMG...we are soul mates! lol I feel like you just answered all of my questions!! And obviously we have the same good taste in friends~ ;)

    Miscarriages are so hard...thank you so much for sharing. I think so many people keep that close, and it is so surprising how common it is. I had one before Gabby, it was very early, but still so devastating.


  10. Greece is a place I want to go as well!! Gary went there with his parents last year. So maybe next time I will get to go, but there are so many places I still want to go ugh just not enough time nor money LOL
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Oh.. So much to comment on. Love your middle name. I've also had some struggles when it comes to having kids. Too long to write, but I'm so thankful for my little miracles. We laugh and fart all the time over here too. I bet it just gets worse. Ha!
    I want to know what your next tattoo is going to be.
    I pretty much want to write you the longest comment ever, but I'll save my rambling for an email. Hugs Sarena!!!!!

  12. Um, yeah. That is not STUFT Nama it's STUFT Mama. Darn iPhone.
    And I forgot to tell you that you are so brave for sharing about the miscarriage on here. I know it was probably hard and is hurtful to talk about, but I know others will be able to relate.


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