
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Savory Waffle Sandwich and Gardening...

I have two client meetings this morning and then I'm working on my garden! I'm so excited this year. Tony and I have finally gotten our garden set up here. We've only lived at this house for 6 1/2 years. It's about time. We built the raised beds in late December and have been composting in them ever since. We were composting in a huge trash can, but lately we've just been throwing our compost in the beds. I have cantaloupes growing in there already. Oops, I probably should have kept the seeds out. Oh well, I've read that they probably won't grow any fruit, but I'm going to transplant them and see. I also bought some seedling tomatoes, squash, zucchini, eggplant, basil, strawberries and lots of peppers! I still want to get cilantro and cucumbers. I want to get a few other things, but I need to see if I have enough space for everything. I LOVE fresh garden vegetables!

So, with a full day ahead of me, I had to fuel up! 

This morning's breakfast was a savory waffle sandwich filled with egg whites, nutritional yeast, mustard and tomato! Yeah, I was super excited about this feast! I can't wait for the tomatoes from my garden. Really, they are my all time favorite vegetable fresh from the garden.

Do you grow any vegetables during the summer? I want to do some containers around too on the patio, but I need to get the garden beds going first. 


  1. I'm just about to eat oatmeal and am thinking those look so good! We do grow veggies and are so behind in getting our garden going this year.

  2. I would love to garden but my entire yard is covered with trees and gets very little light. Oh and I tend to kill plants anyway. But the thought of it is nice!

  3. My mom has been informing me of everything I have to look forward to over the weekend when I'm home for Easter. The baby lettuce is always SO good!

  4. What a great idea! Sounds yummy :)
    Enjoy gardening, Sarena!

  5. Mmm I LOVE a good waffle sandwich. The savory route is definitely one I need to take more often with my waffles!

  6. We always plant tomatoes. They seem to be our most successful vegetable we grow!

  7. Mmm.....waffle sandwich looks good!

    We're growing lots of veggies this year, and have tomatoes started inside, but that's it so far.

    Last year we had way too much kale (is that possible?!)... so we're going to cut down a little on that, and also do cucumbers, carrots, beets, pumpkins....lots of good stuff (and lots of work!)

  8. The only thing I hate about apartment living is not being able to garden. I guess I'll just have to go to every Farmer's Market in my area to make up for it ;)

  9. so jealous of your garden. hopefully this year we get around to try growing something. we failed when we lived in Raleigh, so hope to do better.

  10. Savoury waffles are not something I've thought of doing, but might have to give that a try!


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