
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Carb Cravings...

I have a client that talks about needing carbs during times of hormone surges or stress. While I would not recommend giving in all the time, I do feel like there are certain times that you should definitely just give in. I have decided that either I'm running a marathon (which I am definitely not), I have a surge of hormones (most definitely) or I'm stressed (always a possibility) because I'm carb loading like nobody's business. I have been craving sweet potatoes like you would not believe lately!

This, my friends, is a bowl of oats with a HUGE sweet potato plopped in the middle, a splash of almond milk and peanut butter (only because I mentally know I need the protein too) on top for dinner. Yep, not even breakfast, that was dinner.

Let me rewind now. I seriously bought these sweet potatoes 2 weeks ago due to said cravings. I have been trying to find a way to incorporate them into dinner and while talking with Tony, we decided a nice Thanksgiving style dinner would be perfect! 

While we were talking, the subject of cornbread dressing (and apparently we are starting a trend of having Thanksiving in April according to that post) came up...of course. I mean with turkey and sweet potatoes how can you not do dressing? He didn't have to twist my arm on that one. I went for mini loaves instead of muffins this time (baked for an hour). This is only because I lost my muffin pans. Don't ask me where they are...I still have no idea. Who loses muffin pans? Apparently this gal?!

The upside is that I discovered this was a perfect way to add some dressing to Jay's turkey sandwiches for lunch. 

Perfect slices peaking from his sandwiches. He loves this combination and thought I was a genius...who could blame him? I confessed that I got the idea from a Friend's episode, he still gave me props for it. Love that kid! 

And to add to my salad making gift as of late, the toasted pieces make perfectly seasoned croutons for my lunchtime salads!

Tell me, do you give into cravings or find ways to keep them at bay? What do you normally crave and do you see a pattern when you crave them?


  1. yes!! totally agree. ANd we can give in with nourishing carbs like these. I go for sweet potatoes for sure! With melted butter or nut butter and cinnamon.

  2. Girl - I could eat sweet potatoes every single day! I'm wanting that oatmeal creation for lunch please. I think that when you start really craving something like that (not candy bars or sodas mind you) then your body is telling you something. And it's a sweet potato not a bag of cookies so I think it's all good to indulge ;-)

  3. I most often give into cravings. Otherwise, I'll just get frustrated and eat twice as much later on. Discipline isn't something I'm great at. :)

    I've been needing to use up some of the cornmeal I have in my pantry... you're giving me ideas with that stuffing- my FAVORITE thanksgiving food by far!

  4. I had the strangest cravings during pregnancy...I'm happy to have my tastes returning to normal!

  5. I love sweet potatoes too :) Great way to have your carbs!!

  6. I just saw the sweet potato and peanut butter combo on another blog (on yogurt instead of oats, but they both sound great) and now I'm thinking I might have to try it...I love both ingredients separate, so why not together! Thanks for the idea:)

  7. I am so onboard with giving into these cravings at times. I notice mine especially emerging during hormone surges each month. I just indulge them a bit and everyone is a lot happier (especially my family since I am a whole lot nicer then, LOL). And strangely enough that oatmeal with the sweet potato plopped in it sounds totally incredible to me. :)

  8. I rarely find myself craving "carbs" but I don't necessarily restrict them. I crave something crunchy every once in a while - which is usually a carb, though :)
    And I always crave something sweet before bed...and usually give in.

  9. Most people don't eat just meat and vegetables so I don't think people crave carbs, I think they crave certain meals. You can have pasta, bread, potatoes, etc...and still feel cravings for comfort foods like pizza or mac & cheese. I think those are different things.

  10. It's interesting you brought this up today....I'm craving chocolate like nobody's business! I ate a bunch of the mixture that I intended to use to make pb cups...because halfway through I realized I had no "cups" to put it in. And I wasn't sure what to do since the coconut oil was just going to harden it if I left it----so I ate it! It was darn worth it too!
    I usually pinpoint what is causing my cravings, and then find a solution that will be both satisfying and not kill my efforts to be healthy. This was not always the case! I used to just eat the junk and then feel bad... now, I just eat stuff that tastes indulgent but really isn't (and I don't limit the amount).

  11. I'm all about finding good carbs too and something fun and filling that i can eat a lot of without too much damage. If I open a package of processed carbs it's all over and I have no self control. That sweet potato dinner of yours is amazing. I actually want something like it now. Ha! Have a great weekend friend!!!! :)

  12. I was craving sushi all day today!! and convinced Lori and Gary to bring me some ;) yay me

    love sweet potatoes!

  13. I pretty much always crave carbs. ALWAYS. It's much worse when PMS or stress hits, but luckily I really enjoy healthy carbs, like sweet potatoes, squash, and grains. That at least helps!

  14. I love carbs and if I crave them its just better not to fight the feeling since I will loose anuway!!


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