
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Workout Wednesday!

So, I ran...

Those of you that read here often, you know I'm not a runner. I don't think everyone is made for it or enjoys it. I'm an avid exerciser, personal trainer and specialist in fitness nutrition. However, I am NOT a runner. Well, the other day, after working with a client and doing a little HIIT workout (my favorites) myself, I decided to hit the treadmill for a 1 mile run. I feel silly even talking about running because I workout all the time, but this was different for me. It was nothing major, no one prompted it and I had no real goal...other than to run the whole time. I'm normally an interval walk intervals are ok with me, but I ran the whole time on this occasion. I focused on my stride and concentrated on taking it one step at a time (literally). I was pretty proud of myself when I was done. My time was good (for me) and I didn't hate it. I even felt a little "high" from the little event! It was a small accomplishment, but an accomplishment non the less.

Running actually makes me nervous. I worry about injuries more than anything. I feel like more people get hurt running and I want to understand more about proper running in general. I'm guessing that the number of injuries from running is really no different from any other physical activity, but I'm guessing there is more room for error. Also, I figure, if I'm going to train people, I need to at least understand how it works. I also like the idea of just wanting to go for a short run and enjoying it as another form of exercise. Ok, truth, I'm a fitness junky and will try just about anything just to see if I like it. So, I'm kind of using this as a journal entry of sorts for my run...

I ran Monday and felt great. I made sure to stretch my legs and feet well afterwards. I elevated my legs a little bit to keep the blood flowing (this was due to the combination of HIIT and running, my legs were tired) and I made sure to eat well (this is not a change from any other day). Tuesday, when I got up, I realized my calves were sore. Not strained sore, but muscle sore which I attribute to DOMS due to using my muscles in a different way while running. So this is why runners have such great calves! I feel great otherwise, so this is a good start. I did a fun lighter tabata style workout Tuesday with hip and thigh strength training to work other parts of my legs and give my calves a break. Today my calves feel better so I'm going to venture for another run today. This will be interesting for me because I plan to see how far I can go. I'm not combining it with any other cardio so hopefully I can take it a little further.

Before I am off to start my day, I'm getting some tasty fuel...

I'm seriously loving the peanut butter (made with peanut flour - higher protein), celery, apple and strawberry mixture! Knocks my socks off it's so good!

Do you run? Tell me about it. What got you started and why do you do it? Do you have any favorite recourses? Do share and feel free to link to posts about your experiences too!


  1. Great job Sarena!

    To make you feel better, I've been running for years and never injured myself. (Knock on wood!)

  2. GASP. We can run together now!

  3. Good job on the run!!! Honestly, I think running injuries seem more prevalent in blog world, where women seem to really push themselves in a way that they shouldn't in an effort to try to "keep up". That might sound bad, but I really do think it's true sometimes. Just my two cents.

  4. Congrats on the run!! That combo sounds delicious - I love the celery thrown in there!

  5. I got started to get out aggression when I was going through my divorce and I keep running for that "runners high". It's what gets me out there every time!!
    Great job on your run!

  6. i'm glad you had a good running experience!! yay! and that bowl of goodness looks fab -- love the celery in there! like "ants on a log" in a bowl!
    i love running -- my favorite course is along the Hudson River in Manhattan:)

  7. i am so so proud of you, not for just running, but for overcoming the nervousness and doing it! You are amazing. Keep it up!

  8. As someone who looooooooooooves running, this makes me pretty happy.

  9. You know I love running! And form really does make a huge difference. Which I have been learning the hard way with my recent injuries.

  10. I'm not a runner at all, I don't know if I'm severely uncoordinated or what but I just can't do it. My family joke that it's a good thing because I'm so clumsy, but it'd be nice to know if an axe wielding murderer came chasing after me I could dash away :P

    Congratulations on your running success though! :)

  11. Wait... you ran?

    Impressive!!! And I like your attitude toward it- gotta understand it to get others to try it, too!

  12. I'm so excited for you that you ran. I can't wait to hear if today's run went as well. :) Your combo with the peanut flour sauce looks amazing! I wouldn't have thought to put celery with strawberries. I'm going to copy you, okay? :) PS- HIIT workouts rock!

  13. Nice job on the run! it is so much fun and feels great...except when you're injured...which I am right now. So I'm no help ;) haha

  14. Congrats on the great run! We used to be 'runners' but not anymore. We might go out for a run every once in awhile but it is not our favorite workout. But we do like doing it from time to time as something different for the body :)

  15. I'm a new reader (I'm lactose intolerant and have been living a dairy-free life for a year now). I'm also a marathon runner and coach, so if I can offer one word of advice when it comes to running, it's to go slow. If you start adding running to your workout regimine, don't add more than 10% to your weekly mileage. The biggest problem many runners have (besides being in the wrong shoes) is that they start out too fast. Good luck, and I look forward to reading more about your dairy-free blog.

  16. I started running in high school and it was HARD at first. I stayed commited to it and just really enjoy it! Great job!


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