
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Salty Sweet (a Metaphor for my Monday)

Truth be told, I kinda let things get to me yesterday. Nothing really bad happened, it was just one of those days that everything added up to a big fat bad day. I didn't really help the situation by added the craptastic events of the day up as they came. If I would have just let everything go, it would have been so much better. Anyway, it's done and it's a new day!

I definitely took to my favorite place yesterday...

the kitchen...

to make my most favorite gluten/dairy free pumpkin muffins...

some were fancied up for the boys...

At the end of the day, I sat outside with Max. He listened to music and I worked a little since I have clients today that I'm training. The weather was still AMAZING up into the evening! Max went inside to get a little dessert to enjoy with me on the patio...

this is what he came out with...

and yeah, this happened...bacon dipped in cream cheese icing. The boy is a culinary genius all on his own. We need need to work on the decorating skills on the muffin, but I think he's good to go on the flavor combinations. 

The weather was beyond beautiful yesterday, so I'm thankful for that! Fall has definitely settled in and I am more than ok with it. I love having the windows open and enjoying jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater and eating my beloved pumpkin. I hope this sticks around for a bit. So, today, I'm going to focus on the good. It's a new day and a new attitude!

Do you add up the crap and let it get to you or are you good at letting things go? I have really been good at letting the bad go over the past year, but for some reason (probably hormones if I'm being completely honest) I let things get to me yesterday. I am starting the week over now!


  1. Not gonna lie -- I sort of want some cream-cheese-frosting bacon right now. lol

  2. Hope today is a better day for you.

  3. Ugh sorry you had one of those days. I try really hard to not let things add up but there are some sneaky things sometimes you know? Then all the sudden it's like the bottom falls out at once. Hope today is a better one!

  4. Between his rockin' hair and his bacon creativity, I kind of want to adopt Max.

    Hope today is better for you.

    P.S. I coulnd't comment from my iPhone... maybe the new capatcha thing?

  5. I'm sorry, love. But yes- I have those days. Where it's nothing SUPER epic that gets to me, but it's a million mediocre things. I hope today is a better one. :)

    And Max is a genius. Bacon is seriously the best garnish for ANYTHING.

  6. yep, Max definitely knows what tastes awesome together... ;) I cannot WAIT to try these, I love a good pumpkin bread, and I know this one is good.

    start over! sometimes you have to, I think I will too! hope today is a better one... XO

  7. bacon and cream cheese? YES!!!!!!!! that sounds utterly ridiculous. Yummm! As for those days that you just want to end? I hear you. And sometimes just that, sucking them up and getting through them, is all you can do. hope today is better!!

  8. Wow--your son is a genius! On sunday I was making bacon for salad toppings, and also dessert....and I definitely did a little taste mixing of my cheesecake topping and bacon bites---an amazing combo!

    I do let things get to me, and don't let them go....till I realize I'm doing that, and then I at least work on letting it go (but that's surely a process!). I'm struggling with some issues like that right now---intellectually I know I need to let things go without having closure, but emotionally I'm still craving things to be resolved.
    I suppose all we can do is try :-)

  9. Bah! Sorry Monday was a crap day for you, girl <3
    I think you hit the nail on the head - I let things get to me WAY too much during certain times of the month ;)

  10. maybe we just need to boycott mondays and make it muffin day, yes?

    glad today is better!

  11. Those muffins are just gorgeous. I am going to make some tonight.

    And I hope you are having a better day today!

    I had pretty crappy Monday too S9 so glad I'm not alone). I'm sick AGAIN with some crazy throat infection with lymph nodes bulging out of my neck. I'm not good with being sick. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but you know, who wants to sit around and do nothing. I'm just way too much of spaz to sit around and wait to get better...but you have to. Blah. Okay, enough complaining.

    And P.S. I think your son is onto something there. When I ate dairy I put cream cheese on EVERYTHING. I can imagine that cream cheese frosting and bacon was killer-good.

    Have a better week friend.:-)


  12. I am horrible at letting things go! It is a day by day process with me. Glad I am not alone ;)

    so jealous about your cooler weather. Lori is always telling me about how she is pulling out her sweaters.


  13. Oh man, I'm totally envisioning bacon scones drizzled with a cream cheese glaze! Max, my boy, you are a flippin' GENIUS!

    I'm like you...for the most part, I'm good at letting things go, but every now and then (I second the mention on the hormones), things just seem to stop up and weigh me down. Usually though, if I have a good cry...or on the flip-side, a crazy good all seems to clear out.

    Glad you got time in the kitchen to help clear your head!

  14. We all have bad days we can't shake. Hope the rest of the week is better for you!!

  15. Honestly? Sometimes you just have to FEEL what you're feeling before you can let it go and move on. It never helps to bottle it up and pretend it's all puppies and rainbows when sometimes, it's just not the case...and that's ok! Feel it, recognize it, and THEN move on. And eat a cupcake, that always helps too ;-)

  16. Honestly? Sometimes you just have to FEEL what you're feeling before you can let it go and move on. It never helps to bottle it up and pretend it's all puppies and rainbows when sometimes, it's just not the case...and that's ok! Feel it, recognize it, and THEN move on. And eat a cupcake, that always helps too ;-)

  17. Honestly? Sometimes you just have to FEEL what you're feeling before you can let it go and move on. It never helps to bottle it up and pretend it's all puppies and rainbows when sometimes, it's just not the case...and that's ok! Feel it, recognize it, and THEN move on. And eat a cupcake, that always helps too ;-)

  18. drooooool. hope you're having a better day today!


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